The twelve Zodiacs all live together at a boarding school, but all that changes when Gemini claims she saw a magical airship hovering over the academy. The other eleven protested that there was nothing but despair and clouds in its place, but when t...
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Virgo POV
"We're in a . . . library."
Those were the first words I could think of. Walls of bookshelves on all sides, mahogany tables and plush chairs arranged for maximum comfort and quiet.
I narrowed my eyes, disgust twisting in the very core if my stomach. I'd had enough libraries to last a lifetime.
Gemini's grip curled around my wrist, and suddenly I was facing Sagittarius, who was crouched with his head in his hands. Surprise shocked through me for a moment before I registered that Leo and Scorpio and Capricorn were beside him, and I dropped down to see what was wrong.
"It's some kind of headache," Scorpio explained when he saw me.
There was a crease between Capricorn's brows as he dashed a glance around the large library, and swore under his breath. "There's no people."
A sound that sounded half like a strangled whimper leaked out from Sagittarius's hands, and Leo tightened his arms around his shoulders. "Come on, Sagg -- what's wrong?"
"It seems like he has a headache," Pisces noted, brushing his ginger bangs aside and pressing her palm against his sweat-soaked forehead. I could feel Gemini's shaky breaths beside me, and found her hand as I squatted down more to see if I could meet his eyes.
"Sagg --"
He inhaled sharply, hazel eyes squeezed shut through what I could see from the gaps of his fingers. "It hurts."
"Try to focus on breathing?" Capricorn suggested, his tone unsure. He raised himself and looked around the library again, rubbing a hand against his forehead. "Where are the others?" he mumbled, tone infused with worry.
With a jolt, I found myself squeezing Gemini's fingers as I looked around -- and there was no one else besides everyone here.
"Ouch," she complained, getting up and brushing my hand off. But her skin was pale as she cast a look at the tall bookshelves. "Capricorn's right -- where are Aries and Taurus and Libra?"
"And Aquarius," Pisces reminded her.
"And Aquarius," Gemini added absentmindedly.
Her name seemed to trigger something in Sagittarius, because he dropped his hands in between his knees and took another shaky breath, his strong features tense. I frowned and pinched his cheeks, causing him to yelp and look at me, affronted.
"Good. You can see now." I got up at the same time as Capricorn, who nudged Sagittarius's knee with his leg. "Does your head hurt?" he asked, discreetly slipping his phone out of his pocket.
Sagittarius groaned, and a crease formed between Leo's brows. "Sagg?"
"I'm okay," he promised, running a hand through his ginger hair, skin still deathly pale. "Just . . . need to stay down for a moment."