The twelve Zodiacs all live together at a boarding school, but all that changes when Gemini claims she saw a magical airship hovering over the academy. The other eleven protested that there was nothing but despair and clouds in its place, but when t...
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Gemini POV
I was hiding in a closet, waiting for Cancer to text me the map layout of the Sanctuary. The poop bag and brooms tickled me and gave me an idea. I picked up an empty poop bag and inspected it, tilting my head. I wonder if it's big enough.
Just then, my phone dinged, and I opened it up to find a map of the Sanctuary that Cancer had sent me. It looked kind of weird to see someone who's contact was Disease69 sending me something, but I shrugged it off. I knew where I was; I just had to do the same for the moonstone.
I delved deeper into the closet and found some security guard clothes. I sighed. The Sanctuary's making it reeally easy for someone to sneak in and steal something. Good job, Sophie.
*time skip*
Nobody POV
A guard walked down the hallway and called to another guard. "Excuse me, do you know where the new location from the moonstone is?"
He looked up and inspected her. "You look young for a security guard."
"Because I'm not," the guard supplied. "I'm supposed to go and check the new security for the moonstone and make sure it's not damaged. I graduated early from my school with great grades -- I though you knew that! Weren't you that one instructor in initiation?"
He looked surprised. "I was the one that trained people the hardest, yes. But I've never seen you before."
The guard huffed. "No one ever remembers me. Just tell me where the location is -- I have to go check it."
"Don't you know?" the first guard asked, a suspicious look growing on his face. "They didn't change the location."
"You're lying," the second guard snapped. "I know that they changed the location, I just don't know where."
The first guard looked impressed. "East wing, three floors down. Lots of security around it."
The second guard nodded and set off down the hallway. The other guard looked after her and frowned. Was there a phone with a blue phone case in her hand?
*time skip*
Gemini POV
I walked confidently with my hands in my pockets. I'd put the cap on so no one could see my face, since they would probably recognize me as the Great and Amazing Gemini who had Awesome Friends and broke out of the Impenetrable Dungeon with her Awesome Friends. Yeah . . . that title was a bit long.
"Is this the moonstone room?" I asked one of the guards guarding the entrance. There were about six at the door only, and the others were swarming the hallway, putting up cameras and invisible lasers.
"What business do you have with the moonstone?" The guard had a gruff voice and a suspicious look.
I cleared my throat. "Checking the security inside and I need to make sure that the moonstone isn't damaged."
One of the other guards shared a short conversation with the guard. He turned to me. "You look young."
"Telling people how old they look is rude. Would you like it if I told you that you looked like an sixty-year-old who uses botox?"
The guard blinked at me, and his brow furrowed. "Very well. You can go inside. And remember, we have orders to shoot any Zodiac sign we see on sight. Do you have your gun with you?"
"Handgun," I said shakily and the guard moved aside to let me open the door. Once I went inside, I gasped. There was security everywhere.
So many guards were in this room. Machines were moving around; putting in lasers, testing automatic guns, and other stuff. And in the center of it all: a pedestal, just like the one in the other room.
And on top of it was the moonstone.
Just like in the other room.
In fact, they looked the same, except for the fact that there was so much security surrounding the place. I needed to get the moonstone alone so no one could see me, but how . . .?
"Excuse me," I said to a woman who was directing it all. She had crimson-red lipstick on and long chestnut brown hair, like Aries. She actually kind of looked like Aries, but Aries was younger, prettier, and also hated lipstick and once teamed up with Aquarius to do a "lipstick revolution" when Libra was trying to get them to wear some during one of the school dances.
She turned to me with an annoyed expression. "What? I'm doing stuff."
"I need to check the moonstone," I said, hoping my excuse would work. If it didn't, I was already prepared for a fast-speed action-movie chase while lugging along a unicorn fetus the size of a backpack. I expected the woman to frown and suddenly command everyone after me.
Instead, she sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness, Bella! I thought that you'd gotten lost. You are new, after all."
I laughed, hoping the woman wouldn't detect the nervousness. "It's all right. Am I supposed to inspect it here? Because I need my tools and everything to actually scan it."
She woman nodded. Her teal eyes shifted over my face and she frowned. "You don't look like Bella . . ."
"Because I'm not," I said, then, without thinking, I sprinted to the moonstone and picked it up just as the woman gasped and yelled "STOP HER!"
The moonstone, unsurprisingly, was extremely heavy, but I still ran with it as the alarms from it being off its pedestal turned off. I pushed open the door and sped down the hallway, my arms feeling more like jelly with every second. I memorized the way to the feeding center and tried to keep the path in my brain, tuning out the shouts and alarms and running footsteps that were following me.
Great job, Gemini. You did get your fast-speed action-movie chase after all.
I turned the hallway. I was panting now. When the fuck did my stamina slow down? I turned another hallway, went straight at the first intersection, left at the second and finally found the door that led to the tunnels. I took a deep breath peacefully while shouts and gunshots were heard behind me, then banged the door open and ran into the tunnel.
It literally was a tunnel. It was made of glass with a flat floor and the outside was surrounded by trees and plants and stuff, so it was really pretty, but I didn't have time to notice that as the I heard the door open. A bunch of people's footsteps echoed throughout the tunnel, making me shudder as I ran. The moonstone was getting really heavy, so I was glad when I saw the door to the exit.
I twisted the handle and ran out into the feeding center, yelling, "OPERATION UNICORN FETUS IS DONE! I REPEAT, OPERATION UNICORN FETUS IS DONE!"
Suddenly, a dragon swooped above me and someone pulled me onto its back. I almost lost my grip on the moonstone, but luckily Sagittarius took it from my arms as we soared into the air.
"FASTER FASTER FASTER!" Taurus yelled, urging the dragon higher. Aries looked back at me and grinned. "And here we thought you were good at sneaking around!"
I snickered. "What can I say?"
"How about, 'Goodbye Terriabiant Realm!'" Virgo called, smiling like crazy. "'Cause I'm certain we're about to leave."
A/N I rlly like the chapter name on this one lol sorry if it was a bit short and/or uninteresti-ng the next chapter will be better! :D