The twelve Zodiacs all live together at a boarding school, but all that changes when Gemini claims she saw a magical airship hovering over the academy. The other eleven protested that there was nothing but despair and clouds in its place, but when t...
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Sagittarius POV
"Does anybody know where the exit to this place is?" I asked suddenly. Capricorn looked at me in surprise. Damn, I know he was my best friend, but he could be kinda scary sometimes. The way he just made all of us quiet down . . "I hadn't thought of that."
"Well, we're going to have to get out of the airship to meet him," Libra sighed, gazing at the figure below.
"How do we know they're even a guy?" Aries argued. "For all we know, they could be a girl who likes to wear their hair short."
"No, he's a guy," Libra confirmed, still gazing out the window. "I can tell."
I sighed and looked around the room. "Well, I'm going to go explore. We have to find the exit out of this goddamn death trap."
Aquarius turned her hat backwards. "I'll come with you. I'm bored of this place."
I started to blush, but turned away before she could notice. "Okay, then, come on."
Libra smirked at me. I stuck my tongue out at her and strode out of the room. Aquarius followed me, staring at the carpeted walls and abstract paintings.
"Where do you think the exit is?" she asked, tracing her fingers across a picture with swirling waves. I shrugged. "I'm just kinda following my instinct now."
"Well, your instinct is great. Remember the time with that viper?"
I laughed and turned a bend in the hallway, looking back at Aquarius as she followed me. "That was one time."
Aquarius was smirking. "One time that almost got us killed. Great instinct, Sagi."
I laughed again and faced forward so that she wouldn't see me blushing. I still remembered the incident . .
Nobody's POV *just for the flashback*
"Sagittarius, wait up!" Aquarius called, trekking through the mud behind the ginger-haired boy. He turned and stuck his tongue out at her.
"I told you not to call me by my full name, Aqua," he said, venturing further. Aquarius threw a rock at him and it hit him in the back, making him stop and turn. She caught up and ruffled his hair, ignoring his annoyed expression.
"It's just funny," she said, jumping over a rock. "I've never met a freshman with the name of a constellation."
"Look at yourself and your friends, and mine," Sagittarius frowned, running up to her. "What are their names again?"
Aquarius picked up a stick and threw it at him, but he ducked. "Shut up, we're hiking." She skidded down the hill and waited for Sagittarius to do so too. "I have a lot of stuff to do, I'm a sophomore. This better be good."
"It will be," he promised as he slid down and paused. "Virgo, Capricorn, and Leo, isn't it?"
"Yeah." Aquarius turned and walked down the rough path. "Come on."