Chapter 42 - Fight and Flashback

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*time skip*

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Aries POV

I sketched my fingers over my ankle, wincing as fractures of pain were sent through my leg and straightened up, checking my phone. I'd downloaded the map of Em's property and was currently going towards the nearest medical center. Hopefully they'd fix my ankle soon -- I couldn't exercise, run, or basically do anything other than walk with it.

I set off down the path, checking my phone frequently. I didn't know the area as well as I should've, and I was paying for that. The path merged with another one, surrounded by tiny scenic gardens. I closed my eyes as the constant throbbing of my ankle seemed to fade into the background; I was used to it now.

"Oof!" I stumbled over a broken path tile and froze in place as wave over wave of pain washed over me, a grimace on my face. Yep, there was definitely a fracture there.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow," I muttered, lifting my ankle gently. My little stumble had jolted it greatly -- in short, it hurt.

A lot.

"So Sagittarius was right." Capricorn came up beside me with his hands in his jacket pockets, looking at my ankle with concern. I made an effort to straighten up but I winced as my ankle was jolted again.

"What do you mean?" I managed, balancing on one foot as I checked my phone. The path I was on split into two paths later on and two paths behind. Cap must've come from the other path.

He looked at me and I saw worry in his brown eyes. "You did sprain your ankle. You've been walking around on that thing ever since the griffin encounter?"

I nodded, shifting a little to get comfortable. I managed to cover up the pain this time. "It's not too bad," I lied. "It's --"

"Fractured," Capricorn guessed.

I stared at him in surprise -- how was he so good at guessing? -- and nodded again. "I think I just found out."

"Are you going to the medical center?" he asked.

I sighed. "Yep. Can't delay the fixing of this thing any longer."

Capricorn nodded and we started walking together. I could tell he wanted to help me but I gave him a look that said I was perfectly fine with walking on my ankle, and no, I didn't need any assistance.

"Where are you heading?" I asked, an uncomfortable feeling growing in my chest. Capricorn pursed his lips and folded his arms, giving me an automatic answer. I closed my eyes. "Wait, I think I already know."

"Yep," he said, still looking away.

I blinked. "I didn't even answer yet, Cap."

He shrugged. "I know you're going to get mad at me about it anyways, so what's the point of guessing?"

"So you are going to the forge," I muttered. 

Capricorn put on his poker face, not revealing any emotion. "Em needs me to check something," he retorted.

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