The twelve Zodiacs all live together at a boarding school, but all that changes when Gemini claims she saw a magical airship hovering over the academy. The other eleven protested that there was nothing but despair and clouds in its place, but when t...
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Pisces POV
I grasped at my throat, drawing in a shallow breath, and my other hand closed around my inhaler, bringing it to my lips.
After a few puffs, I managed to start to breathe normally. I wasn't wheezing, anyways. I rubbed my stomach gently and curled into a ball, clutching my inhaler.
A knock resounded on my door. I widened my eyes and hastened to hide my inhaler in the drawer before I let out a faltering, "It's unlocked." I winced, inhaling sharply as the door opened.
Guess I need more puffs, then.
"They're sending out a search party," Gemini mumbled, leaning against the door frame. She blew a bubble with her gum and I watched as it deflated quickly for a moment, then snapped to attention.
"Oh, okay."
Gemini looked at me and blinked her hazel eyes. "The king and queen are letting us go on a sightseeing trip around Statera. You wanna come?"
I blinked too. "Sightseeing?"
Gemini dipped her head in a nod. "We're gonna see all of Statera's sights. Personally, I didn't want to come, but Virgo forced me to."
"You can choose?" I asked, feeling my breaths get shorter. I definitely need more puffs.
Gemini nodded again. "Everybody's going. You wanna stay here or come?"
I gulped. "When are we going?"
Gemini cast a look at the hallway, as if somehow that would give her answers. Turning back to me, she shrugged. "An hour or so."
I let out a silent sigh of relief that I probably shouldn't have as I felt my lungs go empty. "Sure. I'll come."
Gemini flashed me a thumbs up and closed the door. I heard her footsteps as she walked off down the hallway.
"Pi's coming!" she called, her shout muffled through the walls.
I immediately pulled the drawer open and grabbed my inhaler, inhaling a few puffs. I was still close to wheezing, but I knew that it would take a while before I could breathe normally.
I sat down on my bed and cast a worried look out the window. The others' nerves were high, I knew, but we were all keeping it together.
A sudden shortness of breath seized me and my fingers clenched around my inhaler, but it was just a false alarm. I slumped back onto my pillows, holding my orange-and-white inhaler against my chest as my brain racked with worry after worry.
There was no hospital here if I had another asthma attack.