Chapter 85 - Path of Stones

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Gemini POV

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Gemini POV

"ADHD?" I echoed, absolutely flabbergasted.

Dr. Erica slid her rimless glasses down her nose and flashed me a glare. "I don't like repeating myself. But yes."

"Sagittarius has ADHD?" Scorpio mumbled, frozen in the middle of his pacing.

The doctor tsked. "It's obvious he did a good job of hiding it, now."

"But he never acted like he had ADHD," Virgo mused, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Did he take medicine or something?"

"I found traces of it in his system, yes," Dr. Erica agreed. "It seems --"

"But how did he get through three Realms without us knowing? Unless he brought his meds with him," Leo pondered.

Behind her glasses, the doctor narrowed her eyes and again tried to get a word in as Taurus chimed, "Maybe, but wouldn't one of us have spotted it by now?"

"Well, it's obvious he wanted to hide it," Capricorn pointed out, his brow furrowed. "Why . . .?"

"Is this why he's been acting weird?" Aries wondered, casting a concerned glance at the door out of the lounge.

I hugged my knees closer to my chest as Aquarius and Libra both said at the same time, "Probably."

Hearing a sharp intake of breath, I closed my eyes as Dr. Erica's sharp voice cut in. "For the last time, listen!"

We went quiet. After a moment of silence that probably was her pinching the bridge of her nose in exasperation, she finally said, "The magic of the Realms seems to have delayed the process of the medicine fading from his system. It appears he took a dose right before you were ejected into Arbelose, and it has survived him about two months, but it's fading."

I opened my eyes to her giving us all a stare. "Any suspicious behavior you've been seeing must be from the lack of his meds."

An unnervingly quiet pause filled the room, before Scorpio groaned and slumped onto one of the plush white pillows. "I can't believe he didn't tell us. It's not like it slipped his mind, probably."

Dr. Erica adjusted her glasses as agreements chimed through the air. "Actually, it appears that it did." At our surprised glanced, she clarified, "He seems to have trained himself to not think about his condition."

"'Trained himself?'" Leo repeated, confused. "Like some Keeper of the Lost Cities shit?"

"Exactly what I was thinking," Aries chimed. I silently agreed as Scorpio and Libra nodded. This was the sort of thing Telepaths would do.

Dr. Erica scrunched up her nose. "I have no idea what that is. I've kept him sedated while I got a stronger dose of medicine in his veins, however. It should last him a few weeks." Straightening her glasses, her gaze was clear as she roved it over us. "Should I notify you when he wakes?"

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