The twelve Zodiacs all live together at a boarding school, but all that changes when Gemini claims she saw a magical airship hovering over the academy. The other eleven protested that there was nothing but despair and clouds in its place, but when t...
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Gemini POV
I was just minding my own business while I was reading my book on the porch. I could hear Taurus and Libra inside, complaining about the long training session we'd had this morning, but I didn't really care, since splitting my consciousness came more easily to me now.
Aries was sitting on the balcony railing, listening to music. I glanced at her and smiled when I saw that she had a content look on her face, fiddling with the mini rubix cube she'd found at some point. She was more relaxed now. I didn't know what had happened with her, but all the sadness and despair that had surrounded her was gone now.
She drew something out of her pocket and I returned my attention back to the book, basking in the sunlight.
Suddenly, Aries got off the balcony railing. She went back inside, and on the way, pressed something on the arm of my chair.
I looked curiously after her, but she opened the sliding door and went inside without a second glance, so I turned my attention to what she'd given me.
I widened my eyes.
It was a fifty dollar bill.
Which meant . . .
The birds were scared out of the trees outside the balcony. Libra poked her head out as I held the bill between two fingers, inspecting it carefully as my gears turned.
"You okay or having another random revelation?" she questioned.
I smiled brightly at her. "I've gotta go torture my bestie. Where did she go?"
Libra shrugged. "If you mean Aries, which you probably do, then she's somewhere . . . she went down the hallway, though."
I nodded and got up, clenching the bill in my fist. Aries obviously didn't want to make a big spectacle out of it, but . . .
I could barely stifle my smirk as I went inside and scanned the living room for her. Libra nodded to one of the hallways and I peeked down it, smirking as I saw the study room's open door.
I went to peek through the gap and gasped when I saw Capricorn and Aries inside. Aries was rambling on about something, peeking over Capricorn's shoulder as he was typing something on his computer. The chair lay abandoned -- he was leaning over the desk, his brow furrowed as he tapped on the keyboard. He glanced at Aries, a small smile curling on his face. "Really?"
She nodded. "And now I don't know which way she'll tell me or if she'll just spam 'I told you so' in my messages for three weeks straight." With a sigh, she slumped onto Capricorn's shoulder, playing with the hem of his shirt as he smirked.
"I'm pretty sure she'll only spam for three days."
"Still." Aries peered over his shoulder as he frowned and switched his attention to the computer screen, typing something rapidly. "Oh shit -- that's big."