The twelve Zodiacs all live together at a boarding school, but all that changes when Gemini claims she saw a magical airship hovering over the academy. The other eleven protested that there was nothing but despair and clouds in its place, but when t...
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Libra POV
"That's . . . a pretty tall mountain," Gemini mumbled, gazing up at the hulking mass. I saw her throat bob as she swallowed. "Too tall."
"We have to climb to the top?" Sagittarius's voice faltered, and he ran a hand through his ginger hair, shaking his head. "Half of us will collapse halfway through."
"Notice how you only said half because you know that most of us guys work out," Taurus reported, his hands curling into fists. I pressed my palm over his hoodie pocket, rubbing my fingers over his knuckles.
"Besides, my body is made to sit on the couch and bingewatch," he added, gesturing to the large mountain. "Not this."
"I agree," Aquarius grumbled. "Doing a few sit-ups and going for jogs is not good enough to survive a hike as big as this."
Capricorn squinted at the distant birds circling the tip. "Um . . . Is it just me, or does it seem like we're not going to climb this thing?"
"What do you mean?" Selaine asked, checking her seismic recorder. A worry line formed between her brows. "I'm going to have to get out of here soon, the waves are too high. This is a future volcano --" she added, but Virgo waved it off, teal eyes scanning the form intricately.
"Cap's right," she confirmed. "There has to be a way to survive up there and climb it. This looks as tall as Everest."
Selaine shook her red curls. "All right. I'll leave that to you to figure out. I have to get back --" she pointed in the direction of the castle behind her -- "before my parents freak and think I've been killed. Overprotective," she added under her breath, and I laughed.
"Can't really blame them. You did get controlled for what -- half a year?"
"Something like that," Aries agreed, draping her arm over Selaine's shoulders. The princess rubbed her forehead. "Still. Do you know how hard it was to convince them to let me accompany you guys?"
"No," we all said at once, except Capricorn, Virgo, and Leo, who were all analyzing the mountain.
Well, Capricorn and Virgo were analyzing.
"Leo?" Scorpio asked, sliding his headphones down his neck. "Whatcha looking at?"
Leo blinked. "There's a hole in the side of the mountain."
Pisces widened her eyes and shoved her way in front of him, scanning the mountain from top to bottom with suspicious violet eyes. After a moment . . . "I don't see it."
"It's there, see," Leo pointed out.
My hand froze on top of Taurus's as my eyes scoured out the long shadow stretching across half the mountain. "That's not a hole."