Chapter 12 - The Mural

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Gemini POV

"Ugh, can't we stop already?" I groaned, flopping down on Leo's bed. His bedroom had apparently become our permanent hangout spot, and he didn't mind.

"Yeah, the only one who can decipher the story fell asleep thirty minutes ago!" Aries whispered, probably because Capricorn was sleeping on her shoulder. From now, I gathered that whenever they had an argument, they basically ignored that it existed when the other wasn't conscious to continue it.

"Virgo's also asleep, and Libra, and Scorpio, and Pisces, and Taurus, and Sagittarius!" Cancer said, the lone lamp creating shadows on his flickering face. "I don't know why we haven't stopped yet. More than half of us are asleep, and we can't find anything else about where the last unicorn is located."

"It is 2 am in the morning," Leo murmured as I pushed myself into a sitting position beside him. He sounded sleepy. "We're not even doing anything other than talking."

"Because that's the only way we can figure out where the moonstone is," Aquarius argued. She was on one of the couches, and Sagittarius was snoozing away on the other end.

"I would go to ask Sophie if she knew, but . ." Aries gestured to Capricorn peacefully sleeping on her shoulder. "If I move, I'll wake him up."

"I can go," I suggested. "But Sophie probably won't be awake at this time."

"True," Cancer nodded. "Maybe we should keep searching."

"Or maybe we could go to sleep," Leo interjected. "Am I the only one who feels like they're about to drop dead?"

"Not the only one," Aquarius said, yawning. She snuggled up to Sagittarius and whispered, "I'll use him as a pillow this one time," before closing her eyes. It wasn't long before she started to snore.

"If Libra was here," Aries broke the silence quietly. "She would take a picture and make it her moral mission to let Aquarius know Sagittarius likes her."

"If Libra was here," I repeated, "She would take a pic of you and Capricorn and make it her moral mission to let him know that you like him."

Aries turned red and Leo frowned slightly. I knew that he'd had a crush on Aries some time back, but I had no idea if it still existed or not. "I don't," Aries whispered fiercely. Capricorn stirred on her shoulder and she quieted down.

"Fine, you all can go to sleep," I said with a different idea in mind. "Should I turn the lamp off?"

Leo yawned and leaned back on his bed. "Yeah, just sleep in an armchair or on a couch or something like Taurus."

I nodded and reached over to the lamp on his bedside table, gently flipping the switch. The room turned dark, and it wasn't long before all of my friends' breathing slowed down to match the others.

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