Chapter 86 (Part 1) - Genderbend

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Pisces POV

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Pisces POV

The moment Libra barged into my room, my day was ruined.

"No, please," I begged her, dragging my feet across the pavement as she tugged me behind her.

She tossed her hair in my face and gave me a stony look. "It's for your own good. You won't feel anything, anyways."

"But we have to wake up Cancer together!" I pleaded.

"Exactly. We'll find out how to wake him by the time you're done with your surgery. It's just a few hours, Pi."

There was no stopping her. Libra hurtled through the place like she knew it by the back of her hand, and before I knew it, she was waving goodbye and shouting, "WE'LL COME GET YOU!" as one doctor reviewed the information they'd received from Ursa about the bug Archer had implanted in me and another led a shocked Pisces into a hallway that I couldn't even register.

*time skip*

*time skip*

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Taurus POV

"Wow." Virgo scanned the instructions again and whistled underneath her breath. "Intricate."

"It's an ocean this time," Gemini chimed. "Look."

I side-eyed the glistening dragonfly perched on the windowsill, shudders surging under my skin. A bucket of water hadn't stopped it, and I half wished someone would shoo it off.

But nobody could. It was like its tiny, stick legs were glued to the sill.

Light glanced off its round, multifaceted eyes towards me. Sagittarius had pushed me towards the colorful insect when it first banged against the window, and I still harbored a deep disgust for its rotten language.

I glared at him, but doubted he could see me with his ginger bangs flopping into his eyes. After returning, he'd been pestering us constantly about waking Cancer up, so much that his ADHD brain had gone into hyperactive and he'd been fidgeting even more than normal.

Sagittarius raised his gaze to me, looking over Virgo's shoulder. "Did you get anymore information from it?" His tone was worried.

A sigh slumped my shoulders. "Obviously not, or else I would've told you. Ursa's magic dragonfly is practically useless now that it's delivered . . . that." I flapped my hand at the slick piece of parchment Virgo was holding onto with two fingers.

"These are instructions of what to do to help Cancer," she snapped, but there was revolt in her eyes as her teal gaze glanced down at the spidery writing.

"'Genderbend?'" Gemini murmured, tilting her head closer to the letter. She caught a whiff and jerked away, pinching her nose. "Ewww."

"Genderbend?" I repeated, striding over to her. Pushing her out of the way, I peered at the words.

My stomach twisted.


The door burst open as Virgo scanned what I had just read. Her teal eyes widened, Libra striding through behind her.

"Lib?" she said, distracted.

Halting her step, Libra glanced over to the four of us, huddled over a slimy piece of old parchment. Her nose wrinkled delicately. "Huh. So that's where you guys have been."

"Lib, get the others," Virgo said, raising the letter up to the light. Sunrays shone through the slime, and she squinted.

"Why? I literally just dropped off Pisces for that stomach surgery she was supposed to get in Statera."

My breath caught in my throat, and a horrified look entered Sagittarius's eyes as he finished reading. Being one of the slowest readers I knew, I could hardly believe his timing as he groaned and mumbled to Libra, "Because apparently we're going to have to switch genders to get Cancer out of his coma.

A/N hey guys!


I've just been rlly preoccupied with my story, the Dragon Institute! *mimics other successful authors who've actually gotten their manuscript* and you can preorder it in the link below!


actually you cant

i have my outline but I don't got a manuscript

so yeah lol

and as u noticed, this chapter is EXTREMELY SHORT.

Im not gonna have time to do full, 2k-length word chapters anymore, bcs all my time is going into creating this story, piano, school, and sleep.

maybe eating.

so if it's ok with you guys, imma do a webtoon canvas creator and split each chapter into teeny, tiny parts like these so I have more time. Hopefully part 2 will be longer and it'll probably be up next thursday


recently i haven't been able to find the motivation to write chapters for any of my wattpad stories

but reading all your comments and seeing your votes has really helped me! 



I wont be able to put as much time or effort into this story, but I rlly want to see it to the (very) end and I am soooo grateful for everything that you guys have done!

so pls

if you can, plesse leave more comments and vote on more chapters on any of my stories! it rlly helps :)


- Silver

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