Chapter 35 - First Kiss

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A/N this chapter is for the ones that pm-d me questions about the characters first kiss. I know that it doesn't cover all of them, but enjoy!

Nobody POV

"So . . . how'd it go?" Aquarius asked, sipping her milkshake.

Sagittarius seemed frozen. "She's so good at making us feel like we're insignificant little worms."

"Probably because she said 'You little insignificant worms!'" Aries mimicked Em. "But overall, don't go outside the city, we would've been killed, yada yada yada." She stole a cookie from the cookie platter and was about to bite into it when Capricorn took it.

"You should be thankful that you only got yelled at," he said before taking a bite. Aries scowled and reached for another one, but he lifted the platter and held it above her reach. "No cookies for you."

"No fair," Sagittarius complained.

Capricorn just smirked and took the cookie platter to the kitchen. Aquarius booped Sagittarius on the nose and got up, presumably to go get a cookie. Sagittarius frowned, but there was a pale pink spreading across his face.

"Shh, we're trying to watch our movie," Taurus said, shooting the two fire signs a look. Leo nodded and they both returned their attention to Spider-Man: Far From Home, which was playing on the TV.

Aries cringed. "Oh, it's the confession scene."

Libra walked in and plopped down beside Taurus, watching. "What's wrong with the confession scene?"

"They make out," Aries said disgustedly. 

Libra shrugged. "So? What's wrong with that?"

Capricorn walked back from the kitchen and was about to go upstairs when Aries called, "Cap! Protect me!"

He looked at them with an amused smile. "From what?"


Said Libra looked scandalized. "All I asked was why you didn't like kissing scenes."

Aries sighed. "Um, I'm fine with kissing someone, just I'm not fine with seeing someone make out."

"So you've kissed someone before?" Taurus asked, his attention diverted from the movie for a moment.

Aries nodded. "Yeah, but --"

Libra gasped so loudly that Cancer poked his head in. "Is everything okay in here?"

"Aries kissed someone," Libra said in a surprised tone.

Aries rolled her eyes. "So? I've had my first kiss, not a big deal."

"I have too," Leo said.

"Me too," Cancer replied.

Libra's eyes widened and she turned to Capricorn. He nodded wordlessly and she looked betrayed. "Well, who was it, Aries?"

Aries turned pink and got up gingerly, then speed-walked out of the room, calling back, "I'll never tell you!"

"What?" Libra cried, getting up. "Come on, you have to!"

Capricorn rolled his eyes and got in the elevator as Libra started to follow Aries and as Cancer shrugged and walked away. Libra paused and turned to Capricorn. "Do you know?"

He smirked. "What'll I get?"

Libra stomped her foot. "It's not what you'll get -- please, Cap."

He sighed a moment before the elevator doors closed. "Fine. It was me."

Libra stood speechless as the doors closed. 

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