Chapter 9 - LET IT GO

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Sagittarius POV

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Sagittarius POV

We all watched as the pod closed and blended back into the fallen tree.

"It's gone, isn't it," Leo sighed. 

Capricorn stepped forward and felt the bark. "Yep, it is."

Libra blew her breath out and leaned against a tree. "What are we gonna do now?"

"Number 1, find shelter. Number 2, find food. Or is it food first and shelter second?" Virgo mused. I turned towards her but my attention went to Taurus, who was kneeling on the ground behind her.

"Taurus, what are you doing?"

He looked up suddenly, his green eyes darting elsewhere. "Umm . . nothing."

Cancer stepped through the underbrush over to him. "Oh, you found a squirrel! How cute." He bent down to pick it up but Taurus slapped his hand away.

"Debby doesn't like to be picked up," he said matter-of-factly. Cancer froze and we all looked to Taurus in confusion.

"You . . named the squirrel?" Cancer asked. It chittered and jumped up onto Taurus's shoulder, its fluffy tail waving.

"No, she already had a name," Taurus said as he pet the squirrel gently.

Aries frowned. "Taur . . were you talking to the squirrel?"

He looked defensive. "What . . can't you guys hear it too?"

"No," Capricorn answered, intrigued.

The squirrel chittered some more and Taurus listened, frowning. "We're where?"

"Guys," Gemini said, taking our attention from Taurus. "He's talking to the squirrel! Taurus's power is talking to squirrels!" She blinked. "I mean, animals."

"Wait, what?" Aries asked, going over to him and folding her arms. "Why couldn't I have that power?"

Taurus looked delighted as he got up, the squirrel still on his shoulder. "Wait, really?"

Suddenly, all of us heard large crashing. We went quiet as a person squeezed between the gap between two trees. She looked at us and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, Ursa wasn't lying."

"You know Ursa?" Aquarius asked suspiciously. 

The girl nodded. "My name is Eliza. Ursa told my older sister --" She cut off and looked to the side. We heard more crashing, much louder this time, and suddenly a dragon came and snapped her up in its jaws! We all screamed and Gemini actually fell down in surprise. The dragon looked at us all curiously, Eliza wailing in its mouth.

"Help me!" she cried. "Don't just stand there!"

Too late. The dragon opened it giant maw and swallowed her whole, closing it with a snap, then kept on staring at us. 

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