Chapter 55 - God, You're Beautiful

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a/n so there might be a little bit of confusion bcs I accidentally published the chapter, so you might have all gotten a notification if it was in your lists, but then I unpublished it bcs it wasn't finished yet. Sorry! Hope u'll like it :)

*time skip*

*time skip*

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Aries POV

I breathed out silently as the moon showed through the trees. "It'll be worth it, I promise."

"I never said it wouldn't be," Capricorn pointed out behind me.

I blushed and looked at him. He was smirking. "Shut up. You'll love --" I squeezed his hand suddenly as an owl's hoot rang out through the night.

"You scared?" Capricorn questioned, concern in his voice. 

I exhaled slowly and shook my breath, relaxing my grip on his hand. "Just -- dark forests. That's all."

He didn't look convinced, but didn't ask any further. I looked ahead and led him on the path that I memorized, shivering slightly as I stepped in the dark. 

I was going to show Capricorn the grove.

I was going to show him the most enchanting place in all of Aronix, a place most of its population didn't even know about, because he was special to me.

Really special.

I stole a glance back at him and saw him looking around at the forest, his dark brown eyes taking everything in, shifting between wonder and fascination and curiosity.

"It's beautiful," he breathed, then looked at me. 

I blushed. "The forest, you mean?"

He nodded after a moment of hesitation, and looked around again. "Can you see it?"

I looked up at the giant moon, split into fractures by the tiny tree branches. The silver moonlight dappled the green leaves, landing in strips on the ground. "What do you mean?"

"Try to really see it," he advised. "Past what you can . . . well, see."

I pursed my lips and looked around again, my feet treading the path to a pocket of paradise. The leaves were rustling gently in the wind, and the gentle sounds of water lapping against stone floated through the trees. The moonlight gilded the ground, turning the blades of grass silver.

I caught my breath.

It really was beautiful.

"How can you see that at first sight?" I asked quietly, guiding us deeper into the forest.

Capricorn took a moment to respond. "I . . . don't know, exactly. I guess I just appreciate the little things."

I smiled softly in the dark, glad that he couldn't see me. I squeezed his hand again and pulled him forward. "Come on, we're almost there."

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