Chapter 77 - Weakling

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a/n you guys are probably wondering why this chapter is dedicated to @Ethereal_Wishes  --its because she (I assume you are a she) guessed correctly on which character literally sent me through a meltdown when I was making them on the Artbreeder page! Yayy you! (i did say I would dedicate the chapter to whoever guessed correctly so ya)

a/n you guys are probably wondering why this chapter is dedicated to @Ethereal_Wishes  --its because she (I assume you are a she) guessed correctly on which character literally sent me through a meltdown when I was making them on the Artbreeder pa...

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Gemini POV

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang --

"Can you stop that?" I snapped, my hands over my ears.

It didn't listen. Noise continued to radiate out of every empty spot in the vastness around me, and I winced, curling up in on myself. The sounds pounded through my fingers and into my ears. I couldn't even tell if it was muffled or not.

It had started twenty-three minutes ago. I knew because I had counted the minutes in an effort to distract myself.

It didn't work.

Twenty-three turned into twenty-four. The noise drilled into my brain, seeping through my senses and tearing out all comprehensible thought.

I swallowed, my throat bitter. There was no food in this godforsaken place and I had been stuck here for more time than I cared to count. My stomach was aching dully, and the soft, white-blue light that I'd admired when I first came now seemed bland and too bright. Even now, when it was nighttime and the light was dim, my vision was attacked by blaring blue every time I looked up.


There were times my hunger got the best of me; I would suck in a breath and hold it for as long as I could while my stomach pounded and ached and grumbled. Other times I forgot food existed, and thought longingly of water to soothe my dry throat.

This place was keeping me alive somehow. The only thing that made it tolerable was that I could scream slurs and nobody would hear me. I had done that quite a lot, actually -- most directed to Archer.

I remembered Virgo's expression when we arrived back at the castle and were greeted by him. He had his smile on, and I remember thinking that Selaine was crazy and he was pretty cute. 

Now I wanted to drive a stake through his head.

It seemed like it all happened in a flash of blue light; Archer's words, being replayed in my head over and over again:

Hold on, the king and queen wanted me to give something to you. It's in my office -- let me get it pretty quick.

Capricorn had frowned and any trace of attraction I'd felt for Selaine's boyfriend vanished instantly.

That was not how it was meant to be said.

He can go die in a hole, I thought savagely. And the hole better be filled with snakes.

The noise suddenly disappeared, and I felt hollow in the silence. Now I had nothing to focus on. I knew how it was created, of course -- my stone was being moved. Or, more specifically, moved the tiniest bit so that it scraped against another one.

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