Chapter 59 - Statera

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a/n this chapter is super short, sorry in advance!

*time skip*

*time skip*

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Libra POV

Aries was tossing the ruby up and catching it mindlessly, over and over and over again as we all trudged through the tunnel. My stomach was aching, but I didn't dare tell the others I was hungry after the deadline for remaining in Aronix got closer and closer.

Capricorn checked his watch and sent Aries a worried look. "Ten minutes."

She stiffened and clutched the ruby in her grasp. "It should be just ahead, then."

"That's what you said the last time, too," Aquarius complained. "When are we finally going to get to the crevice?"

Aries lifted a shoulder, her eyes trained on the cavern wall. Em hadn't explained much on the helicopter ride into the first cavern, only saying that we had to follow the tunnels to the actual one.

I wrapped my arms around my middle, lifting my head to sniff the air. "Is that . . . smoke?"

Aries turned around and gave me a bright smile. "I said it was just ahead, didn't I?"

The tunnel opened into a giant cavern, and I gasped. The walls were fiery reddish-brown, and in the very center, a small volcano glowed, bubbling with lava that was spilling just over the edge.

Taurus cleared his throat. "Oh. So that's what you meant."

Aries rolled her eyes playfully and set off down the path, beckoning for the rest of us to follow her. We walked down a long path that wound down from the tunnel opening, stopping at the volcano base.

The smoke was slowly getting to all of us, and Virgo had even started to cough. Light glimmered in Aries's eyes as she stared up at the volcano, transfixed by the flowing lava.

"You guys stay here."

Her brisk voice ripped through the comfortable but tense silence that surrounded all of us. Capricorn shifted his eyes over to her, his eyes full of concern and maybe even a hint of fear.

"I'll be fine," she added, holding up the ruby. "Just have to get this in, and we'll go to the next Realm. Easy peasy."

"Lemon squeezy. Except I don't like lemons," Gemini chimed in.

Capricorn breathed out a sigh. "Fine." His eyes flicked over to hers again, and I marveled at the fact how they seemed to communicate with each other by just looks as Aries gave him a small smile.

I wonder if I'll ever have that bond with someone, I thought, then was reminded. I smiled bitterly at the ground as Aries had a quick discussion with the rest of us and started to hop up the crevices on the volcano, as easily as a squirrel. Or someone really good at rock climbing.

"Brace yourselves," was the last thing she told us before she disappeared into the haze of smoke clouding the middle and top of the volcano. Capricorn folded his arms and stared up at the peak, biting his lip.

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