Chapter 71 - Realm of the Soul Stone

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*time skip*

*time skip*

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Pisces POV

The moonlight cast onto the ground serenely. I blinked, sensing a disturbance in the force.

Getting up groggily, I looked around my room. Yep, something was definitely wrong.

The moonlight slanted through my windows. My room was dark and quiet. Everything seemed like normal.

I frowned and leaned over to check my phone. I tapped on the surface, breathing out a sigh of relief when it lit up with no notifications.

Thank god I'm not caught up in Sagg's tactics again.

But something was still wrong . . . I could sense it.

I looked around again, running a hand through my hair. It had grown out of its short bob and now fell to my shoulders. Grabbing a tie from my bedstand, I quickly scooped my hair into a low ponytail so that it wouldn't get in my face.

I slid out of bed with a sigh, rubbing my forehead. Something pulled on my gut, leading me to get up and open my door clumsily.

Stupid gut, I thought, peeking to see if Aqua's door was open. It wasn't. Maybe she could sense it too?

It was worth a try.

I opened her door and widened my eyes when I saw that she wasn't there. My heart began to pound when I reminded myself that she might have gone to the bathroom or something.

Yeah, that has to be it.

I leaned into her room and checked if the light underneath her bathroom door was on. My stomach dropped when I saw that it wasn't.

With a small breath, I stepped into Aquarius's room and looked around. Her bed covers were messed up and her window was open, sending goosebumps rippling across my skin.

I hugged my middle and went over to her window, the night seeming strangely quiet as I peeked out. A small burst of surprise leaked out from the back of my throat, and I stood frozen as I stared at the patch of blood on the ground.

A few seconds later I was wrenching the door to the next room open, panting, "Aquarius is missing!"

My blood ran cold as soon as I realized who's room it was, and I tried to back out slowly, but it was too late.

Capricorn sat up in bed, rubbing his forehead. His glare cut across the room and pierced me. making me stagger with the force of Satan that was in his eyes.

"What the fuck, Pisces?" he growled, running a hand through his messy black hair.

I gulped. "Umm . . ."

The primary, NUMBER ONE rule that you had to follow if you wanted to stay on Earth in one piece was never, ever, EVER wake up an earth sign from their sleep.

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