Chapter 79 - I Don't Want This

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Capricorn POV

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Capricorn POV

I blinked at the scared expression on Archer's face as he talked rapidly on his phone. Aries twisted her fingers anxiously, raising her hand to her lips.

I caught it gently, lacing my fingers through hers. She gave me a surprised expression as I lowered her hand softly, giving her a small smile. "Don't. You don't want to start up that habit again."

A blush spread over her face, and she gave a small laugh. "True. It took me years to stop chewing my nails."

Gemini slid onto the surface of the metal desk, scooping her dark hair into a ponytail with a sigh. "At least you didn't chew your hair. Took me all of middle school to get rid of that. I still do it sometimes," she said, with a disgusted look on her face, and started to fish something out of her pocket.

"Ewww." Taurus tugged on one of his bangs as Gemini popped her Airpods into her ears. "I don't think my hair could ever be long enough for me to do that."

A look came onto Sagittarius's face and he lifted a piece of Taurus's black hair with a scrutinizing gaze, then blinked his hazel eyes and let go, his forehead creasing. Taurus didn't seem to notice and he turned to Leo and motioned to the glass window that stood between us and Archer, who was looking more and more harassed by the moment. "What's his problem?"

Leo glanced his way and shrugged. "I don't know, but I really don't want to meet this Ria girl. Whoever the bad guys are afraid of can be the bigger bad guy."

"Simpleton," Aries scoffed.

Aquarius smirked from where she was massaging her thigh on the table, though I could see a grimace through it. She caught my gaze, and I furrowed my brow at her. "Oh. I'm fine."

"Sure you are," I said sarcastically.

Libra blinked, pushing her blonde hair over her shoulder as she looked at us. She narrowed her eyes at Aquarius. "Miss Ingentus, are you lying?"

Aquarius widened her eyes in mock surprise. "What would you say if I wasn't? What would you say if I was?"

Libra narrowed her eyes further so that they resembled tiny, green-centered slits, and answered in an ominous voice. "I don't know."

A smirk curled Aquarius's mouth as I heard Aries laugh behind me. She bumped against my shoulder affectionately, and I sent her a warm glance to see that she was smiling.

"Almost makes you feel like we weren't stuck in a rock for ages, right?" she said with a grin, cocking her head.

I knew that the words would've made the laughter sap from my mood and make my stomach sink, but one look at her playful smile and I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess."

She bumped herself against my side again, winding her arm through mine. An anxious look crossed my face as my gaze went to it, tracing across the pale red scar pressed against her skin, then to her amber eyes. "Does it still hurt?"

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