The Chosen

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Meanwhile in Birmingham...

Tommy was placed in a room, sat down and the lights blinded him when the bag was pulled from his head.

'mr Shelby.' The woman sat across from him said.

'you blew up my pub.' Tommy said calmly.

'anger defeats fear, good.'

'you blew up my pub.' Tommy repeated.

'tommy has a reputation to uphold.' The woman told her men. ' a reputation of not being scared of anything. In all the world, violent men are the easiest to deal with.'

'so tell me,' tommy still cool calm and collected as usual 'which brand of rebel are you? Eh? I read somewhere that you paddies started fighting amongst yourselves now. The king offers you a peace treaty and you start a war about it. That's funny dont you think. A war about peace? So are you for the treaty or against the treaty? Forgive me I get confused.'

'You are on decision away from death mr Shelby.' The woman said calmly but her temper was rising.

'Stop fucking smiling!' one of the men yelled, their interrogation tactics were not working on the Shelby siblings.

'your name is Irene o'Donnell.' Tommy began and the womans face dropped just slightly as she tried to keep her air of mystery. 'you have a son that goes to cherry wood road school in harborne. And his name is sean, although his full name is sean joseph o'donnell and he has iron for limbs. He comes last in every race. It's a real shame. How far do you think he will run before its too late. Do you get where I'm going with this Irene?' Tommy asked innocently. One of Irene's men pushed his gun to Tommy's head but he didn't flinch away.

'there are other ways of carrying out this mission. Please allow me to put a bullet in these scum tinkers heads.' The man said cocking his gun back, tommy sat calm though.

'no, he researchs his enemies that's why hes been chosen.' Irene said.

'I am chosen.' Tommy said before looking to irene's men. 'I'm chosen.' With a grin on his face he pulled out his cigarettes, 'can the chosen one have a smoke?' he asked.

'a vacancy has appeared,' Irene said ignoring tommy as he lit up his cigarette. 'and youre going to fill it.'

'chosen by whom?' tommy asked rather bored of this whole day.

'by an informed consensus.' Irene said annoyed at the shelby in front of her. she needed him but she didn't have to like him.

'I have things to do. So perhaps you could tell the chosen one what hes been chosen for.' Tommy told her bluntly.

'From now on mr shelby you shut your fucking gypsy mouth and listen to your instructions.' Irene said coldly.

'That so?" Tommy questioned.

'What did I just fucking say?' Irene snapped.

'are we done here? I'm done.' Tommy said plainly.

'for now,' Irene said before leaving. Tommy waited for them to clear out before leaving to find his coat and weapons that were removed from his person ever so forcefully earlier.

Tommy started beating the shit out of his jacket.

'fuck!' he yelled over and over again. 'I will handle what needs handling.' Tom said letting his jacket fall to the ground. Taking in a deep breath.  

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now