Luca Changretta

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'Mr shelby this is mr paz from paris.'

'I heard you had trouble' Luca said coming into the office.

'You just came from Paris?' Tommy questioned

'You know Paris?'

'I know Paris. They say you were French?'

'Well I came here from Paris but I grew up French.' Luca told him taking a seat and getting comfortable. 'Guess where I'm from?' he said leaning forward, Tommy moved his jacket pulling out a cigarette.

'I worked with American soldiers we played cards they sound like you' Tommy said lighting a cigarette

'Did you win?' Luca questioned

'You coming here, your suit is pressed your shoes are clean where do you get your suits made?' tommy questioned.

'From a tailor in New York City, look, look,' he said showing him the inside the designer. 'My uncle makes suits in the basement it's Italian so every stitch is stitched with blood since it's my uncle. I heard you dressed well Mr. Shelby. But now I see not so well as me.' Luca remarked.

'You know I have uncles as well' Tommy told him 'but they are not the sort of men who would work in a basement with a needle and thread Mr. Changretta.'

'I am surprised how easy it was to get into a room with you.' Luca said as Tommy pulled a gun

'And now?' he questioned Luca rose his hands innocently

'And now... And now you should know that during the trouble you had earlier on the factory floor I sent an accomplice to your office. He found your gun and unloaded it,' Luca said taking the bullets from his pocket and putting them out one by one on the table

'Arthur Shelby. Polly gray.' He put down bullet by bullet 'Michael Gray. John Shelby' he put down on the table before clicking it across the table it rolled to Tommy spent. 'Ada thorne. Amelia Gray... and finally Tommy Shelby.' Luca said happily the bullets laid out on the table. 'none of you will survive' Luca went on 'you're Security is pitiful. And we are an organization of a different dimension. I could've killed you the moment I walked through the door but you see I want you to be the last. I want you to be alive after your entire family is dead. My mother says that is what allows you to live the most. People have traditions in honor as do we,' Luca told him peering out the window 'I could've had you killed in the night in the night but I want you to know why. And I wanna suggest that we fight this with honor.' Tommy remain silent putting his gun down on the table

'No civilians no children' tommy agreed.

'No police' Luca countered

'Welcome to Birmingham Mr. Changretta'

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