She called

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Meanwhile in Birmingham...

'She called.' Polly confirmed with Tommy. 'She called and shes coming... coming here!' polly exclaimed.

'She will be here at weeks end.' Tommy confirmed.

'I have to... I don't know clean, get a ham and prepare tea and... I don't know... michael I need michael.' Polly told him. 'or maybe I shouldn't push all of us on her at once...' polly contemplated, she didn't do such a good job connecting whit michael at first but he was still here and she was better, bonded with him now, this was her daughter, her first born. 'what if she doesn't like me? does he look like me?'

'When did you have her?' tommy questioned.

'You what 14, 15 when I had her, it was right after her father died... she was the last piece of him I had and she was ripped away from me.' polly remembered painfully.

'Everyone wants to meet her.' tommy told polly. 'but I can keep them away give you some time to get to know her. her name is Olivia now. her brother is coming with her from what I understand.' Tommy informed her.

'Well Amelia,' she corrected is going to be so happy here. 'I know it.'

'Olivia.' Tommy corrected, 'isnt going to be as open as michael was. I can already tell.'

'Michael changed his name back, took us in and our lifestyle immediately. Whoes to say she wont do the same?' polly questioned.

'I think she will take in the life easily.' Tommy said hesitantly.

'What do you know? Who is her brother?' polly questioned.

'Her brothers name is Ollie and he works at the Camden town bakery... with Alfie solomons.' Tommy informed her.

'Alfie... the man that got Arthur arrested?' polly questioned incredulously.

'The one and only.' Tommy confirmed. 'Olivia-'

'Amelia.' Polly snapped.

"Olivia is also dating, Alfie... Solomons.' Tommy added under his breath.



'So you have known about her since you first meet Alfie months ago?' polly shouted. 'you knew my abby was alive and well before you even found michael. Is that what you are saying?' polly screamed.

'I didn't know who she was went I first met Alfie.' Tommy told her. 'I reached out to her brother once I realized who she was-'

'Her brother? Not her?' polly yelled.

'Olivia is-'

'AMELIA!" polly demanded.

'She is a sweet girl from what I have seen, she is in the life but shes somehow protected from it. She has her own personal body guard with her all the time, her brother also doesn't like me. I thought if I reached out, extended an olive branch to Ollie then he would see-'

'You should have told me this months ago!" polly declared.

'But then everything happened with Arthur. I didn't think she would call me after that but she did. A week later and she calls me up wanting to meet you still.' Tommy informed her.

'She is awfully forgiving considering you almost blew my daughter up!" polly snapped.

'there was never any bomb.' Tommy reminded her.

'you poisoned her against us already. Don't you see! She is coming here to see how screwed up the rest of us are, or perhaps she isn't coming at all and Alfie is sending men to come and try and kill us! Using her as a decoy!' polly declared miserably.

'I don't think so.' Tommy admitted. 'but we will be prepared either way.'

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now