Dont Worry Ollie

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Camden town

A few days later Alfie had invited livy back for a formal interview at the bakery, for two reasons. One she was gorgeous and the sweetest little thing and two, he did need a new bar maid his current on was scaring away customers.

'OOO so you wanna talk about power?' livy sung as she entered the bakery her eyes meeting her brother and his eyes went wide. He rushed towards her.

'Livy,' ollie called as she walked into the bakery.

'hey Ollie.' liv said sweetly.

'what have I told you about-'

'Olivia.' alfie said walking up to her. 'ello kitten.'

'hello alfie.' she purred glancing back at her brother.

'mr solomons-' ollie began.

'come on kitten,' alfie said leading her away.

'whats going on?' ollie questioned.

'Don't worry Ollie.' Alfie said leading her away.

'Livy!' Ollie said following after them.

'Its okay, Mr. Solomons invited me. Livy assured him.

'ill send her down to you when we are done.' Alfie told him. 'don't worry.' Alfie said but ollie was filled with panic and anger and rage and yet his sweet little sister had a smile on her face, maybe she didn't know he had lied to her. maybe Alfie called her, but why? What was going on? She was in her nice dress too.

'Alfie!' ollie called but Alfie slammed his office door shut. 

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