They have my boy

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 'Hi Tommy' livy said as they got out of the car.

'Fucking hell.' Alfie said cursing immediately upon getting out of the car

'I asked you to come alone and unarmed' Tommy told them

'you scared of little livy here?' Alfie questioned with a laugh. 'I assure you she is mainly harmless.'

'Not Olivia, him.' Tommy said pointing to one of alfies guards.

'Yeah well alone? I ain't never gonna do that.' Alfie informed him. 'and I am unarmed.' But Tommys eyes moved to alfies cane. 'As for the cane don't worry about it it's just for my sciatica it's always plays up around the winter and the summer solstice.' Alfie informed him.

'Livy!' michael called and she ran off, Alfie watched her cautiously.

'What have you got for me Alfie?'

'What did you bring me out here for?' Alfie countered

'It's on the way to somewhere and I need to be in a hurry.' Tommy told him

'Yeah?' Alfie questioned.

'What have you got for me?' Tommy repeated

'Well seeing as you were prepared to pay such an exorbitant amount for this information I decide to give you value for money. So here are the names of all the men in England whom I would approach right if I had a Faberge egg for sale. There you go and then here's all the men on that list you know, who would buy the old Faberge egg even if they knew that item was stolen.' He handed him a second note 'then cause you're curious fucking gypsy mind, I won't ask but here's a list of men who would buy a Faberge egg because of their wives obsession.' A third list handed over

Tommy handed over a wad of cash.

'Oh yes. Thank you Mr. Shelby lovely doing business with you.' Alfie said putting the cash in his pocket.

'Mum misses you.' Michael told her.

'well, when Polly,' she emphasized. 'starts calling me by my actual name, I will consider answering her calls.' Livy countered.

'Time to go Kitten,' Alfie called, as she hugged michael, Tommy pulled out his gun as did alfies man. Alfie stood waiting hand on his cane.

'Tommy!' Livy yelled trying to stop him but michael held her back. 'michael!' she pleaded.

'You know you left a name off the list.' Tommy told him

'Did I?'

'Yeah. I've already spoken to my people in the jewelry quarter' Tom informed him 'experience dealers. They tell me there are only three Men in Britain whose wives are obsessed with Faberge... make some good customers you missed the richest one of them off the list.' Tommy told him

'Yeah well if you already knew how come you dragged me all the way out into the fucking oggin mate?' Alfie questioned.

'Two reasons. Reason one by withholding a name you most certainly know you proven to me that you've done a deal with the old fellows. Two,' tommy went on, livy was trying to get out of Michaels grip. '-it was you who told him about the tunnel. You told them about the fucking deal with the Soviets. Reason to the name of the man that you were withholding must be my enemy otherwise you wouldn't be protecting him. He is now man I could use.'

'Listen sweetie you can't-'. Alfie began.

'You gave information in exchange for a share.' Tommy told him.

'Tommy, there were things in that treasury that God himself, he spoke to me. And he said Alfie you are meant to have these.' Alfie informed him.

'You cross the line Alfie.' Tommy said gun still pointed at his head

'You fucking what?'

'You crossed the line.' Tommy told him

'The line?'

'They're using my boy.' Tommy told him screamed at him


'Did you fucking know?'

'Yeah I knew but damn does I am it made no fucking difference to me mate.' Alfie told him.

Livy stopped struggling at that. they had tommy's son and Alfie knew? No that wasn't like Alfie. Not an innocent child. Tommy jumped on top of Alfie but alfies man pulled him off only to be shot in the head, michael stepped forward moving his gun from the dead man and now pointed his gun at alfie. Livy stood back dazed as the scene unfolded before her. she wanted Ollie. She didn't want to be here. She wanted her brother.

'Fucking hell. What the fuck is going on?' Alfie yelled getting up. Tommy got up and pointed his gun back at Alfie.

'What is the matter with you Tommy? You got drunk and angry?' Alfie questioned

'Yeah I got fucking angry' tommy agreed

'It's in your fucking head mate!' Alfie yelled.

'Tommy I know this bastard deserves it, I know Tommy I know he does but if you kill him now the truce, the truce with the London outfits will be blown to fucking pieces!' Michael said, he had shot alfies man.

'Michael... Michael...'

'Don't worry about that truce kid all right cause it fell apart,' Alfie told them. 'You got nothing to worry about when it comes to the old scary London boys' Alfie told them,' get in the car Kitten. We are leaving.' Alfie informed her but she stood frozen.

'Which side are you on Alfie?' Michael screamed he was trying to defuse the situation and keep everyone well mostly everyone alive.

'I don't give a fuck right now kid right?' Alfie told him. 'I do not want him to spare me because of some peace pact! I want to acknowledge that his anger is un fucking justified .I want him to acknowledge that he who fights by the sword you fucking dies by it Tommy, so what they took your boy they got your boy?' Alfie said. 'And what fucking line I supposed to of crossed!?' He had marched up to tommy 'how many fathers right? how many sons yeah? have you cut, killed, murdered, butchered, innocent and guilty sent straight to fucking hell?' Alfie questioned 'just like me! You fucking stand there you judging me stand there talk to me about crossing some fucking line if you pull that trigger right, you pull that trigger for an honorable reason. Like an honorable man not like some fucking civilian that does not understand the wicked way of our world mate.'

'Look Tommy killing Alfie Solomons is not going to help,' Michael told him 'it'll be very bad for business' Michael reminded him.

'Tommy?' livy questioned softly her voice barely a whisper. Tommy looked back at her scared face, pale and shaking he took a step back taking in a breath.

'Michael go and call Inspector Moss and tell him it's Palmer.' Michael walked away slowly staying close. 'Well,' said Alfie softly, 'I did not know about your boy.' Alfie told him

'I know'

'I saw.' Tommy turned picking up his gun off the ground walking away. 'I saw your face when I said it.'

'Come on Livy.' Alfie instructed keeping an eye on her as Michael kissed her head as he passed. Livy nodded rushing to the car. Ollie was never going to let her out of his sight after this.

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now