Camden town....
'What!' Ollie shouted pulling livy to him. 'I swear to God Alfie!" ollie spat.
'Shes fine.' Alfie assured him. 'right kitten, youre fine.'
'I am fine.' Livy confirmed.
'I don't want her going on runs with you. I don't want her near that Alfie!' ollie demanded.
'it wasn't supposed to be anything just a delivery with Tommy, who might I add is supposedly her blood.' Alfie reminded him.
'I am her family and I say no!' ollie shouted holding livy to him.
'I really am okay.' Livy told him, looking up, big dark doe eyes, a little smile on her lips. 'I promise Ollie. Michael was there too he wasn't going to let anything happen.'
'Despite the fact the little shit shot Buck.' Alfie muttered.
'Livy!' ollie exhaled a hot breath over her head. 'damnit Alfie.' Ollie pulled livy out of the bakery.
"Where you going?' Alfie questioned after them.
'I'm taking her home and I'm taking the rest of the day off!' ollie informed him. 'come on sweetie.'
Alfie slide a ring box across the desk ollie looked up from his papers. Alfie nodded to it. Ollie hesitantly opened it.
'not really my style Alfie but thank you.' Ollie said closing it and pushing it back to him.
'you think Livy is gonna like it?' Alfie questioned opening it back up again. Admiring the sparkling ring inside.
'I think that you cant propose.' Ollie said slowly and Alfie let out a chuckle.
'you know its really funny that you think you are in charge here.' Alfie remarked.
'alfie please. You cant. Just the other day she could died. She could have died.' He repeated. 'could have been shot because she was with you. Imagine the target on her back if she became a Solomon!' ollie pleaded desperately.
'I keep her safe.' Alfie reminded him.
'no. I keep her safe. You put her in the vicinity of bullets!' ollie shouted.
'Stop your jabbering Ollie, she is safe with me. the little cunts weren't going to hurt her.' Alfie reminded him. 'they are supposedly family.' He scoffed that last part out. That was livys only downfall in alfies eyes, her blood. Those gypsy cunts. But Alfie was able to look past it because she didn't get along with her other family and her brother was up until this moment it seemed completely loyal to him.
'You cant have her hand.' Ollie declared.
'I wasn't asking permission.' Alfie reminded him.
'you know the right thing to do before asking for a womans hand is to ask her family for a blessing.' Ollie informed him.
'Ask go on.' Ollie demanded.
'Ollie can I have your sister's-'
'NO!' ollie shouted. 'alfie you are going to get her killed. Between you and shelbys she is going to get killed. You cant. Please you cant.' But Alfie did and livys breath expelled from her lungs as she pictured a life with Alfie. Yes she said yes as Alfie scooped up her in his arms kissing her until she lost her breath, pulling away smiling up at him. Olivia Solomons, that was two extra Os livy couldn't help but think with a laugh.

In My Blood // Alfie Solomons
FanfictionAlfie's right hand man, Ollie's adopted little sister, Olivia finds herself falling for a certain camden town gangster. Meanwhile Polly is looking for her three children that were taken from her years ago... What happens when Tommy finds out who Ol...