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'We are almost there. This way...' she led tommy down a staircase underground 'this treasury was built 200 years ago to protect the kings jewels' she informed Tommy, 'in case of French invasion.' Guards unlocked another gate, 'we are now underneath the river Thames.' More guards with vicious barking dogs, more locked doors they were deep underneath now. 'Your jeweler-'

'I don't think they trust me Tommy.' Alfie said smiling over at them, but his hands were restrained. He was already waiting for them in the treasury.

'Mr. Solomon is the only jeweler I trust in London.' Tommy told them confidently.

'Yes. Trust. Yes. Might have to add that on the old invoice.' Alfie said as he was untied, 'thank you.'

'As we agreed your jeweler will now select items to total value of $70,000. When you have selected your chosen items they will be put in a box and stored when you have fulfilled your part of the deal the box will be delivered to you.' Mrs. Romanov told Tommy.

'May I just start right by saying that I may choose to stay here and just starve to death and choke on sapphires,' Alfie joked, 'I'd have never go back to that fucking world again.'

'The jew smells of rum,' Mr Romanov said in Russian

'Yeah well there's good reason for that you know little man,' Alfie told him. 'Because my shop right? Is just above a rum house.' Alfie lied so easily to all of them.

'You speak Russian?'

'Yeah I do because of my mom,' Alfie told them 'yeah my mother... you people all right you hunted my mom with the dogs through the snow. Yeah. But today right, today is for forgiveness isn't it? On to the selection,' he moved over to the jewels 'now... hello right... I think it's fair to say yeah 1500.' Alfie examining the first piece.


'All right I will give you 1800.' Alfie countered

'I know the current market value. 1800 it is.' Mrs romanov confirmed.

'That's very gracious of you,' Alfie said sarcastically 'all right then let's have a look at this it's a nice little bit isn't it?'

'But that was a gift of Tsar Nicholas.'

'I aren't asking you that though am I? I come here to do business for my professional services if you keep interrupting me I won't be able to focus too much do you understand?' Alfie informed them in his usual gruff voice.

'Mr. Romanov let me remind you we were told to come here,' Tommy told him 'to choose what we like and now we've chosen.'

'Nicholas gave you that. I will give you 4000' Alfie told them.

'5000 with the Royal Providence.'

'Done' Alfie said 'right Rumpelstiltskin let's go over here and have a look what's in these boxes,' Alfie said moving away from the table as the woman took off her necklace.

'That looks nice 2000 all right? what are we at 10 oh and that's definitely five.' alfie said picking and choosing jewelry and throwing it to the table.

'You keeping score?' He asked tommy

'Yes, i am.' he said calmly, this was taking too long.

'Good lad.' Alfie coed. 'All right that's another five'

'7000' mrs. romanov counter

'6000' Alfie countered again 'Let's call at six yeah?' Alfie kept going. 'Beauty look at it, I know someone that it would look great on. Might need this one added to invoice as well Tommy.'

'It is splendid beautiful is it not it's a work of art. You recognize this?'

'immediately,' mr romanvo said

'I'm guessing, right, that all bad ideas around here, they're yours out he told him right they are you aren't they?' Alfie told him.

'How do you mean...'

'Yeah all right Tommy see this right? It's got pasting on it. That's bad, so tell me something if somebody comes into my shop with some pieces like this, usually what I make them do right, it's fucking swallow it!' Alfie shouted making the Russians jump.


'What game are you playing?' Alfie questioned

'Mr. Solomon's...' Tommy said 'shall we clean it up?' Tommy suggested

'yeah. Sure.' Alfie took a step back. 'What are we at Tommy?'

'37600.' Tommy told them looking down at the pile.

'Well...' Alfie said looking over the stack sitting down at the table 'do you have any eggs?'

'Excuse me?'

'Any eggs you know?' Alfie questioned, seemingly bored.

'Faberge is not part of the deal Mr. Shelby,' Mr Romanov said 'we will not offer you Faberge eggs.' Tommy looked to alfie who gave a single nod.

'Mr. Romanov, my jeweler here advises me to insist on Faberge,' Tommy told them.

'It's a deal breaker Tommy,' Alfie informed him the daughter got up getting an egg and putting it on the table in front of them. 'Oh hell...'

'I brought that from home myself,' she told them as alfie delicately examined it.

He held it up to the light. 'With the Providence of that being laid by such a delicate beauty that does be bringing the entire selection to 70,000.' Alfie said looking to Tommy. Tommy spit in his hand for Mr. Romanov to shake after moments hesitation he spit in his, shaking. A deal had been made.

'Very well now Mr. Shelby, you will join your brothers and Mr. Solomon's will take his leave.' Mrs Romanov told them.


'I cant believe he is doing work with them.' livy said shaking her head as she kneaded dough.

'they are an odd bunch.' Ollie confirmed.

'More cinnamon please.' Livy asked folding it in.

'Alfie likes money and this deal is going to get him a lot of money. Plus he is going to be on better terms with the shelbys, which is... useful. I supposed.' Ollie admitted.

'they threatened to blow up his bakery.' Livy said. 'I think we are all being foolish when it comes to shelbys.' Livy admitted.

'what do you mean livy?' ollie questioned wiping the flour off his face with his shoulder.

'I was stupid enough to think I could get a mum again... but you were there that was dreadful.'

'Alfie doesnt always see reason. He sees coin. He sees power. Working with the shelbys gets him that.' ollie reminded her. 'I know you love him but I don't want you getting hurt because he cant see past his ego.' Ollie reminded her.

'he loves me. he wouldn't put me in harms way.' Livy assured her brother. The phones started ringing, livy wiped her hands on her brothers shirt before running to the phone. 'Hello?' she questioned 'oh Michael!' she smiled back at Ollie. At least one good thing came from meeting with the shelbys, ollie thought as his sister smiled happily catching up with michael. 

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now