Gypsy Tradition

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'she is my sister, we are not lighting her body on fire!' ollie told them.

'its gypsy tradition.' Tommy told him.

'she is my sister. Was... she is my sister.' Ollie said through tears. 'you cant have her. you cant burn her. she gets a proper funeral. You aint burning her body!' ollie screamed at them.

'she was my daughter!' polly reminded him.

'you knew her for all of two years? I knew her, I raise her, I took care of her, her whole life!' ollie spat. 'I knew I should have ran her the other way when she met Alfie, and I knew, I knew!' he shouted. 'I knew the moment she met you people she was doomed. I should have dragged her away and started a new. She would have been safe from all this bullshit, you people!' he pointed an accusing finger around at the shelbys and Alfie, 'you fucking people got her killed and all she ever did was make everyone smile. All her life. She saw the best in people. She saw the best in you idiots and she didn't see the danger. Maybe that's my fault. I should have forced her to leave. Kept her safe but I didn't. because she was so happy, with her new family and her new fiance... But now shes dead. My baby sister is dead. So no, you cant burn her body. You cant.' Ollie walked off, why did people like Alfie, people like she shelbys get to live another day when Livy didn't?

It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. He turned back around firing his gun at them but they shot back. Ollie lay dying on the ground Alfie ran to him.

'let me die.' Ollie told him softly. 'I want to be with my sister.'

The end

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now