Tell your mother...

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Meanwhile at hospital....

Michael was waiting for Livy to arrive she said she was coming to visit him she had phoned and said she was on the way. She opened the door a sad smile on her face as he sat up hugging her. But then the nurse came in, livy didn't think anything of it, but Michael pulled her behind him, she turned confused. The nurse grabbed his gun and shoved him to the ground running out.

'Michael?' Livy helped him up. Something bad was about to happen, her heart pounded in her chest as a gunshot rung out.

Meanwhile Arthur thought he was going to die as he was meeting with the mom of a boy he had killed.

Finn had come running in saying it was set up they're not here for him they must be after Michael

'You set me up!' Arthur screamed 'you set me up!' she squealed as he put a gun to her chin.

'If your faith is real-' she whimpered '-I've got other kids' he pushed her face away before breaking a few more things on the way out.

'If you are here in one hour I will cover you in dirt,' arthur warned 'come on Finn let's go.'

Michael pulled Livy to him again as she helped him up to the bed as a man and a black trench coat came in locking the doors behind him Michael looked out his wound, it opened, he was bleeding again.

'Two for one...No... no...' luca said stepping forward. 'My family.... you see, the Last time my men were after you you got lucky... maybe that's what happened but now-' he pulled out his own gun putting it to Michaels head. Livy screamed her hands flying to her mouth as she stumbled backwards. 'Maybe you got lucky but now your luck has run out' Michael sucked in a deep breath he pulled the trigger but nothing happened it was empty he shot again and again and again taking steps back away from Michael each time no bullet came out. One more shot was aimed at a very frightened livy, but nothing came, no bullet. 'Tell your mother we have a deal' Luca said walking out. Just as Tommy Arthur and Charlie came running in, breaking down the door.

'What happened?' Tommy demanded

'They must've heard you coming the gun misfired, they ran.' Michael told them, livy was to startled to speak she was shaking in michaels arms. Arthur ran after them. 'You came just in time,' Michael panted

'You all right?' Tommy questioned looking between them

'I'm fine I'm fine' Michael told him as he hugged livy, her breath hitched in her throat as little tears ran down her face. 

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now