I spoke to God about it

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'I would've buried you all but my mother she knows you she said... It would be worse for you if I let you live and take away everything you had,' Luca told Tommy. 'Search them,' he took out Tommy's gun from him moving to Polly. Luca ripped her blouse checking for weapons 'especially this bitch.' He added. 'So...' he looked back to Tommy. 'Sign every fucking one of them' Luca told him dropping a pen in front of him 'you can sign them on your knees on the floor' he said dumping the papers from the desk to the floor before them. No one moved through so being a temperamental man child he flipped the table over. 'Get on your fucking knees and sign' he demanded Tommy got down to his knees

'A friend of mine once said big fucks small so I had to find someone bigger than you, you may know two families in Brooklyn that have been importing liquor into new York,' tommy said from the ground

'They will start a war between the families if we die,' Polly told him

'But if you die the vendetta and some bookmaker in Birmingham we can take up our business with Oswald.' Tommy told him.

'We also contacted a business in Chicago' Polly told him 'he's also interested in business in New York.'

'You see all the blood relatives you brought with you to New York, they are dead Mr. Changretta and these men here work for money. For the highest bidder and they now have a new orders.'

'Is that right?' Luca asked turning around to his men, 'is that right?' He questioned them 'and you Mateo?' he didn't say anything, his men lowered their heads. They had betrayed him. He turned back around to Tommy. 'Very fucking-' he reached for his gun but Tommy was quicker pushing him down but Luca started fighting him banging each other around the room each trying to get the upper hand. That's when Alfie walked in.

'You killed my girl.' Alfie informed him. 'There is no amount of pain I can bring to you that will make up for the pain I'm feeling right now.' Alfie told him shooting him in the leg, he dropped down. 'but I'm gonna try.' Alfie told him sending bullets scattered throughout Lucas body. He lay coughing up blood. 'You are going to burn in hell. I already spoke to God about it.' Alfie informed him, as luca breathed his last breath. 

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now