The match

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But despite alfies pleas Livy wanted to come she had met goliath and the boy adored her as did most people when they met her, she was like pure sunshine.

'I don't like this.' Ollie said as Goliath got ready. 'Alfie isn't even staying.' Ollie reminded him. 'he doesn't want you here.' Ollie told her as they stood around the ring, goliath was stretching out.

'Its fine. Its just a match. It has rules and everything.' Livy told him.

'you don't like fights.' Ollie reminded her.

'but I like Goliath and he is going to be family and i support my family.' Livy reminded him.

'Kitten,' Alfie said coming up behind them. 'I just have do talk to someone then we go.' He told her.

'Alright,' livy agreed, 'Good luck Goliath you got this,' livy said giving his hand a squeeze.


'I'll be back.' Alfie said looking around the arena. 'don't move from this spot. I will be right back.' Alfie told them. Alfie kissed her before leaving.

'Somethings not right.' Ollie told her pulling her close.

'I have to use the restroom.' Livy said slipping away from ollie.

'Yeah you're like me Tommy can't bear to watch a fight which has got rules,' Alfie said Tommy sitting in the locker room. 'Tommy right imagine... Imagine that you could not see. At all you were born blind. Then one day you open your eyes and you can see everything. In the world. When before you could only touch it or smell it. There it is...' he said looking at Tommy 'the revelation. I've had one. I saw a beautiful house down in Margate great big white building monkey puzzle tree against the sky blue. Beautiful. A piece of heaven. Actually you see the way the earth curves I thought to myself Alfie what are you doing? What are you doing? Why don't you just sell every ounce of gold and sell.' Tommy took a smoke watching Alfie curiously 'sell every barrel of rum you've got and just buy yourself some time mate? I need to buy myself some time,' he told Tommy

'You're moving to Margate? You and Olivia?'

'I am actually yeah. I need some time I need to get myself some rest, once livy and I are married I'm taking her far away... extended honeymoon.' Alfie informed him. 'plus the Americans are here now aren't they so? that's it. It's been that way ever since the war anit it? The Americans. Big Fucks small.' Alfie informed him 'always, actually. And there's a fight going on out there between big and small.' Alfie reminded him 'big fucks small,' he assured. 'Right Margate then, blue skies heaven.' He said coming up to Tommy 'I will see you Tommy.'

'Stay and watch the fight Alfie?'

'I already know who wins tonight? Don't I? Cheer up,' he said walking away, when he got back to the arena livy wasn't there. "Where is she?' Alfie snapped spinning ollie around.

'Toilet.' Ollie told him glancing back to the corridor she disappeared down. 'God Alfie what did you do?" ollie screamed taking off after her.

Goliath jumped up ready for the fight while Arthur critiqued Bonnie golds coaches.

'our coaches don't give a damn.' Arthur told tommy.

'That's the pills and booze talking' Tommy told him

'What the fuck are they laughing at?' Arthur questioned looking to Polly, Linda and Lizzie.

'He's too strong he's not gonna win.' Arthur told him.

'2 to 1. 2 to 1!'

Polly heard gunshots ring out and she followed after Tommy. Meanwhile Bonnie jumped up to his adoring fans as they cheered happily for him. 

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now