What did he do?

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'Im going to stay here if thats okay. Until alfie and i are married.' Livy told ollie

'You can stay forever.' Ollie informed her

'I just want it to be official, official you know?' She questioned curling into him on the couch. 'Before i move.'

'You having seconds thoughts?' Ollie asked hopefully

'What? No. Never. I love alfie so much but i dont want to leave you either.' Livy told him.

'Oh sweetie,' ollie hugged her closer. 'Im still gonna be here. Im always going to be here for you. No matter how old you get no matter if you live in camden town, margate, God forbid birmingham, timbuktu. Im always here for you.'

'Thanks ollie. Im just still gonna miss you.' Livy told him. 'its been you and me for so long.'

'Besides you are still gonna work at the bakery and im not leaving that place ollie reminded her. Alfie would be lost without me,' livy laughed looking up at him. 'You will still sing at the Hardy and im gonna be there every night youre singing. You are gonna begging alfie to help you move. With how much im gonna be stuck to your side until your married'. Ollie informed her. 'You are gonna be sick of me.'

'Thank you ollie. I could never be sick of you.' Livy pressed a kiss to his cheek before closing her eyes listening to the record player spin in the corner. She fell asleep in her brothers arms as the record ended playing static quietly spinning into the night.


It seemed like all was right in the world, Livy was getting married to an amazing and wonderful man, Ollie was pretending to be excited for her and she had a new brother. But things started to crash down when the phone rang the next morning. Dazed and confused she put the phone back down, making her way to Ollie.

'I got a call from the prison.' Livy told ollie softly.

'prison?' ollie looked up from the paper. 'dear lord, what did Alfie do?' he said putting on his shoes and heading for the door but livy grabbed his arm stopping him.

'its not Alfie.' She told him.

'who then?'

'Michael, John, Arthur, Polly... I never met ada but she is there as well.'

'the shelbys are in prison?' ollie needed clarification.

'the shelbys are to be hung.' Livy corrected.

'Tommy?' ollie questioned.

'He made a deal and now they are to die.' Her voice barely a whisper. 'I don't want michael to die. Not when I'm just getting to know him.' Livy told her brother. 'I don't want any of them to die. Why would tommy do this to his own family?' 

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now