I am alive

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Meanwhile leaving Camden town...

'look I haven't got long I have got to get back to the boat. I will be back in four days just in time for pols birthday.' Tommy told Arthur over the phone.

'you should be in hospital with nurses and doctors and medicine. Last I saw you, you were looking like death!'

'I'm not gonna lie I'm still in bad shape but it needed to be done.' Tommy told him. 'the longer I stay here the more danger im putting myself in.' tommy told him. 'arthur put polly on the phone so she knows I'm alive..'

'yeah just a sec.'

'Tom?' pollys voice was even more worried then Tommy had imagined.

'hello pol, how are you?'

'How am i? what happened? where are you? Whats going on? Why did you leave hospital! Hospital Tommy!'

'I'm fantastic pol,'

'don't start with that. And what are you doing in London? What business requires-' pol went on

'polly,' tom said already annoyed.

'I swear to god-' polly warned, she swore she was the only normal one in her family and she spoke to the dead at times.

'don't worry pol I will be back in a few days and everything will be right in the world once again... right now I am in sabinis territory so if you keep me any longer I am dead. You hear me? I wont be coming back at all.'

'fine' polly agreed, hanging up.

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now