Her name is Olivia

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Meanwhile in Birmingham...

'Shelby company limited.' The woman answered and livy looked to Ollie he nodded encouragingly.

'Hello, may I speak to Thomas Shelby?' livy questioned.

'Whoes calling?'

'My name is...' she looked to her brother. 'Thomas gave me his card and said to call.' Livy told her.

'Right, well whats the name I can give him?'

'Um... well..' livy began, maybe this was a bad idea. She liked her life, she liked her family. Ollie and her and now Alfie. She didn't need more people, people that threatened to blow up one of her places of work... this was bad she needed to hang up.

'Whoes on the phone?' tommy asked as he walked by.

'She wont tell me.' the woman said about to hang up but tommy grabbed the phone.

'Olivia?" he questioned.

'Hello Mr. Shelby.' She answered nervously.

'Olivia.' He repeated taking the phone to his office. 'I'm glad you called.' Tommy said sitting down. 'What can I do for you?' tommy leaned back in his chair waiting for an answer but she remained quiet. 'do you want to meet your mother?' tommy questioned. Again nothing. 'Olivia?' he questioned leaning forward against the desk. 'Olivia are you still there?'

'Its okay livy,' tommy heard quietly down the line. Ollie hugged her reassuringly. 'you don't have to do anything youre not ready for.' Ollie reminded her.

'Olivia.' Tommy repeated. 'youre mother would really like to meet you. You have family here that is going to love you.' Tommy told her. 'do you want to meet them?' livy nodded looking to Ollie.

'She would like to meet her mother.' Ollie confirmed taking the phone form livy.

'Good, good. We can come down-' tommy began.

'We will come to Birmingham.' Ollie told him.

'Yeah?' tommy questioned. 'Great... whenever she wants I will make sure we are free.' Tommy assured.

'when do you want to go?' ollie questioned to her, tommy listened the phone pressed tightly to his ear as he sat quietly. 'soon?' she nodded 'End of week? End of month?' ollie questioned running a hand up and down her arm. She nodded again. 'End of week? We could get on the next train, get there in a few days time...' again livy nodded. 'End of week.' Ollie told tommy confidently.

'Wonderful. I will let Polly know. She is so happy that Amelia is alive.' Tommy told him.

'Olivia.' Ollie corrected. 'her name is Olivia.'

'of course. See you soon.' Tommy said hanging up the phone.

In My Blood // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now