chapter two: meeting eddie

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the next day

You start your car and start driving over to Hawkins High, ready to pick up Dustin. You wonder to yourself, why was it that in the entire four years of attending that school, had you never heard of Hellfire? Maybe you were too preoccupied with Band to worry about any other school activities. After all you did love drumming. You also weren't very fond of Dungeons and Dragons. There was that one time Erica tried teaching Steve, Robin, and you how to play, of course it was useless and none of you understood it. You ended up going to the arcade instead.

While arriving you notice Dustin, Mike, and Lucas exiting the school so you drive up to them and decide to scare them by honking.
"AAAAAHHH" the three of them hold each other and scream. You laugh hard and get out of the car.
"What the hell y/n!!!" Mike says annoyed.

"I'm sorry! I had to!" you say laughing, then go in to hug the three of them

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"I'm sorry! I had to!" you say laughing, then go in to hug the three of them. "I missed you guys! How was the campaign?"

"Awesome!! I get to wear this sick hat because I basically defeated everyone!" Dustin says.
"Let me see it!" you say.
"I'm not wearing it?" Dustin says grabbing the hat on his head. "Shit I left the other hat inside!" As he turns around to go back into the school someone opens the door from the inside.
He had long curly black hair with bangs and was wearing a hand full of rings. He was tattooed and had on the same hellfire t-shirt the other three were wearing. He was holding Dustin's hat and spoke, "Nog! (Dustin's d&d name) You forgot your prize!"
"Thanks Eddie! Look y/n here's the hat!" Dustin says.
"Who's this, Dustin?" Eddie says with a smile.

"Oh that's my friend y/n! She's friends with Steve, they work together

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"Oh that's my friend y/n! She's friends with Steve, they work together. He had to work today so she came to pick me up." Dustin explains.
"Hi y/n. I'm Eddie." he introduces himself. "Do you play?"
"D&D? No I could never get into it. Lucas's sister Erica tried teaching me once and I just never understood it." You reply.
"Erica? Well there's your problem, you've never tried learning from Eddie the Banished! You know I could teach you one of these days if you're interested, do you go here? I would enjoy a new member on the team now that Lucas is gonna be busy with Basketball." Eddie says, his smile never leaving his face.
"I actually just graduated so I don't think I'd be able to. I would like to know where you got those tattoos done though, I've been trying to find a spot." You say.
"I get it, yeah I'm definitely gonna graduate this time around too." Eddie says with a smirk. "I'll get you the address to the place I go to, assuming you're gonna be coming back sometime soon?"
"Yeah sure, I can stop by tomorrow after work?" You say.
"I could meet you at Family Video if you want y/n. I've been meaning to rent a new movie." Eddie says.
"Okay! See you then Eddie." You say with a smile. "It was nice meeting you."
"It was nice meeting you, y/n." he smiles.
You get into the car and Dustin hops in. Dustin recaps the game the entire ride back to his house and you semi listen, but you're too distracted by the thought of your conversation with Eddie. How have you never met him? He seems so cool and you're excited to see him the next day. Even if it is just for a little bit.

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