chapter six: a tattoo

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You're on your shift at Family Video and can't stop thinking about last night with Eddie; about everything you talked about and how much you laughed with him.

On your break you decide to use the phone to call Eddie's tattoo artist.
"Hi is this Samantha?" you ask.
"Yeah did you wanna schedule an appointment?" she asks.

(This is Samantha, she was at the Halloween party in Season 2)"Yes please! Uh Eddie told me to mention his name for a discount?" you say

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(This is Samantha, she was at the Halloween party in Season 2)
"Yes please! Uh Eddie told me to mention his name for a discount?" you say.
"Oh you're Eddie's friend? He told me to expect you." she says.
Eddie was talking about you?
"Oh! Yeah so is it alright if I bring in an original design I made?" you ask.
"Of course! Does today work for you? I'll be ready for you in a couple hours?" Samantha says.
"Yes that's perfect! Thank you so much see you soon." you say.

Your shift ends and Steve and Robin walk up to talk to you.
"Hey y/n so what did you and Eddie end up doing the other night?" Steve asks smiling.
"Oh we watched Friday the 13th II at his trailer and then he took me home." you respond.
"He didn't try anything with you for the tattoo info did he? I have no issue smacking some sense into the dude." Robin says concerned.

"No need Robin it was an innocent hangout, seriously

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"No need Robin it was an innocent hangout, seriously. We actually hung out again yesterday. We smoked weed and went to the arcade." you say smiling.
"Yeah I am way too anxious for weed." Robin says laughing nervously. "You had fun though?" She smiles.
"Yeah I did. I had a lot of fun." you say.
"Alright y/l/n well we missed you watching Fast Times. Let's hang out soon again ok? We should go watch Robin's pep rally!" Steve says smiling and looking over to Robin.
"Normally I'd beg you guys to NOT come to my pep rally but I am really nervous about that solo. It would help having you guys there actually." Robin says.
"We'll be there Robin." you say and she smiles.
"Alright so I'll pick you up tomorrow y/n." Steve says as he walks out of the store with Robin.

You walk to your car and drive to Samantha's house.

You ring the doorbell and she lets you in. She takes you to the room where she does tattoos and asks to see your design while she sanitizes everything.

You show her your design, the mind flayer

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You show her your design, the mind flayer. You decided after defeating the mind flayer with your friends and surviving, you deserved a souvenir from the experience.
"Sick! What is it?" Samantha asks.
"Oh just a monster I had a dream about, I decided to draw it and here we are." you say smiling.

After a few hours and Eddie's discount, you leave with your tattoo. You love it and can't wait to show Steve and Robin tomorrow.

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