chapter fourteen: hungover

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*mentions of alcohol and weed use*
You wake up with a pounding headache.
"Ugh why did I drink so much? It's Steve's fault for making the punch taste so good." you say to yourself.
As you take a sip from the water bottle on your nightstand, you read Eddie's note. The little smiley face he left made your heart melt and you realize that you left your car at Steve's house. You pick up your phone and call him.

"Hey Steve can you take me to your house so I can pick up my car?" you ask.
"Hey y/n. Uhh yeah I would except..." Steve says.
"What is it?" you ask.
"I was just about to leave to meet up with the girl from the party last night. She wanted to hook up last night but I didn't want to because she was drunk. And well now she just called me and said she's sobered up so..." he says.
"Ahh okay. Have fun! Use protection Steve you have enough kids to babysit." you joke.
"Ha ha very funny. Bye y/n." Steve says.
"Bye Steve." you hang up the phone.

You drink the rest of the water and glance over at Eddie's note.
"I guess I could come up with an excuse to see him again." you say to yourself smiling. You pick up the phone.
"Good morning sleepyhead." Eddie says.
"Good morning. Thank you for taking care of me last night." you answer.
"Mhm how are you feeling? Hungover?" he asks you.
"Yeah a bit." you answer.
"Want me to pick you up? I have the perfect cure." he tells you.
"Please? And afterwards could you take me to Steve's so I can pick up my car?" you ask.
"Deal." he says "I'll be over in a bit let me get prettied up first." you can hear his smile through the phone.
"Okay see you soon." you giggle.

Eddie and you drive to his trailer and he walks you in. You blush as you remember the last time you were here was in your dream.
"Here you go, the perfect hangover cure!" Eddie says while passing you a blunt.
"Thank you." you say.
"Yeah of course. Let's share it yeah?" he says.
You take a hit and then pass it to him as you sit on his bed.
"Wanna play?" he asks while sitting next to you.
"What?" you feel your face heat up.
"I have an Atari so we can play Space Invaders, Dig Dug, Asteroids, Froggy, orr Centipede." he looks over at you and smiles.
"Space Invaders!" you say.
He goes over to get the game out.

He sets it up and you go first while he takes a turn smoking

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He sets it up and you go first while he takes a turn smoking. You get a high score your first try and Eddie's competitive side comes out.
"Alright that was good but watch this." he says while passing you the blunt and taking the control.
He's close to your score and looks focused.
"Give me a hit." Eddie says.
You take the blunt and place it between his lips. He inhales and you take it out and put it back into your mouth. He exhales and reaches your score.
"YEAHHH" he cheers and let's himself die in the game. All he cared about was reaching your score.
You keep competing until you make a high enough score that Eddie can't reach. When you're done playing he puts away the console and asks if you're hungry.
"Yeah I could eat." you tell him.
"Do you like Chinese food? Wanna go to Imperial Panda?" he asks.
"Yeah sure!" you say.

You tell Eddie what you want so that he can order while you get a table

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You tell Eddie what you want so that he can order while you get a table.
You sit and eat with Eddie and you joke around with him and tell him stories about you and he does the same. You feel at ease. The hangover is completely gone and both of your highs wore off too. Yet you're calm and comfortable with Eddie. It feels easy. You want to tell him how you feel about him but you're scared that he won't feel the same and it'll ruin things between you.

Eddie drives you to Steve's house to pick up your car.

"Goodnight." you say as you walk out of Eddie's van.
You walk towards your car and you hear Eddie get out of his van behind you.
"Hey y/n?" Eddie says.

"Yeah?" you stop and face him

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"Yeah?" you stop and face him.
"...Uh get home safe!" he smiles and walks back to his van.
You can't help but think he wanted to say more when you get into your car. You drive home.

As you lay in bed you think to yourself.
"Was he gonna tell me he likes me?"

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