chapter twenty-seven: phase three

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"Begin phase three" Dustin says over the walkie.

"Alright pretty girl, ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" Eddie says as he puts his guitar on and turns on the amp.
He starts playing Master of Puppets on his guitar.

You enjoy Eddie's awesome performance while watching out for demobats in the distance

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You enjoy Eddie's awesome performance while watching out for demobats in the distance. They slowly make their way over.
"It's working!" you yell to Eddie.
"Sick!" he says, focused on his playing.
The way his fingers strum the guitar makes you blush. You love the way they move.

"Alright baby! Thirty more seconds and we run!" you say

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"Alright baby! Thirty more seconds and we run!" you say.
"Got it!" he says as he proceeds through the solo.

"Got it!" he says as he proceeds through the solo

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"5...4...3...2...1!" you count down and at one, Eddie puts his guitar on his back, runs over to you, and grabs a spiked bat.

The both of you fight off demobats for a while to buy time for everyone

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The both of you fight off demobats for a while to buy time for everyone.
"Agh!" you scream in pain as one of the demobats flew past your shield and latched onto your arm.
Eddie sees and swings it off of you.
"It's starting to get dangerous we gotta go!" Eddie says to you as he grabs your hand and runs to the gate. He tries to make you go first but stubbornly you push him into the gate and follow him in.

"I was gonna get some extra kills in!" he argues with you.
"That's exactly why I pushed you in first! It would've been too dangerous!" you argue back.
"Alright. I'm sorry." he says.
"It's alright I'm just glad you're safe." you say as you hug him, your head resting in his chest.
"Hey...what'd you think of my concert?" he says smirking.
"It was so hot. You did so good!" you say as you look up at him smiling.
He kisses you.
"I love you too by the way." you say.
"Too?" he says.
"Yeah you told me you loved me before we went in there and I told you I'd tell you when we got back." you say.
He grabs your legs and carries you and kisses you as your legs wrap around his waist. You feel the weight of the world fall off your shoulders and have confidence that everything's gonna be okay.

Eddie puts you down and you hold hands as you make your way over to the Creel house to meet up with Max's group.

As you walk to the attic, Dustin and Erica are cheering and Max just pulled Lucas in for a kiss. It's safe to say that their part of the plan worked.

You all leave the house and walk over to Mike's house, to wait for the rest of the group.

Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin walk in covered in ash and dirt. Eleven, Mike, and Will walk in covered in Vecna's blood and Upside Down goo. You run to Steve and Robin and hug them tightly, relieved that they're okay.

Eleven successfully killed Vecna.

Everyone's talking and celebrating in Mike's basement and you're sitting on the couch, watching as your head rests on Eddie's shoulder.
"Ready to go, pretty?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah." you say as you shift your head off his shoulder and stand up.

You say bye to everyone and then walk over to your house with Eddie.

Eddie and you walk into your bathroom and start getting undressed from your dirty clothes. You shower together, a few flirty moments here and there but mostly just showering since you're both exhausted from the battle.
You hand Eddie his sweatpants he left at your house the other night and you change into your pajamas.
Eddie tosses both of your clothes in the laundry machine and then joins you in bed and cuddles you.

Before falling asleep Eddie plays with your wet hair for a bit, massaging your head. You smile at the comfort it brings you and you play with his hand, tracing his fingers.
"I'm so in love with you y/n." Eddie says.
"And I'm in love with you Eddie." you say as you lean in to kiss him.

"Goodnight beautiful." Eddie says.
"Goodnight handsome." you say as you close your eyes and feel a comfort you've never felt with anyone else. You're soulmates, you think to yourself as you fall asleep.

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