chapter sixteen: first date

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You get a phone call.
"Hey! I'll be there in about an hour is that okay?" Eddie says.
"Yeah that's perfect! See you then." you answer.
"Oh and wear something a little bit formal, we're going somewhere a little fancy." he says.
"Oooh okay!" you say excitedly.
"Bye." he says.
"Later." you say and hang up.

You walk up to Eddie's van and he's waiting for you near the door to open it for you. He's dressed nice.

"You look beautiful

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"You look beautiful." Eddie says as you walk into the van.
"Thank you Eddie. So do you." you say smiling.

He starts driving.
"So where are we going?" you ask.
"I made us reservations at Enzo's." he says smiling.
You gasp. "The one with the fancy breadsticks?"
"Yeah that's the one! With the olive oil too?" he says.
"Yes!! I haven't been there in so long." you say.

Eddie talks to the waitress and she gets you seated. You both order the shrimp fettuccine alfredo and laugh at the coincidence.

You talk and laugh for hours like usual when you hang out. Only this time it feels different. You're nervous but not in a bad way. You still feel comfortable with him it's just that something's changed; you know he likes you back. That somehow makes things easier and more difficult at the same time. Easier because you don't have to pretend you just see him as a friend; but harder because now you feel like you need to keep his interest. Plus you used to see Eddie as just a friend. Now you asses his potential in being your future boyfriend. He sure is doing great so far though.

Once the servers take away your plates Eddie looks over at you with a smile on his face. The same smile he had on when he swam over to you at the lake; he's up to something.
"Do you want dessert?" he asks.
"Sure!" you say.
The waiter comes by.
"Excuse me? It's the pretty lady's birthday today. Do you mind if we get the Enzo's birthday special please?" Eddie says.
You play along while the waiter walks back to the kitchen.
"You do know my birthday isn't for another month right?" you say jokingly.
"Really? I could've sworn it was tonight!" he jokes back. You laugh.

The waiters come back singing a birthday song and holding a cake that they set on the table. The cake has red sparklers on it that send sparks around the table. Eddie watches them mesmerized as you watch him, smiling.

When the waiters finish singing everyone cheers and you blow out the candles as the sparklers reach their end

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When the waiters finish singing everyone cheers and you blow out the candles as the sparklers reach their end. The waiters leave you to it and you share the fake-birthday dessert.

Eddie pays for dinner and holds the door open for you on the way out of the restaurant.

There's a woman selling flowers at a stand near the restaurant and Eddie walks over to the stand.
"Which one is your favorite?" he asks you.
"The daisies" you answer.
"I'll take a bouquet of daisies please." he says while handing the woman his money.
"Awe thank you Eddie." you smile as he hands you the flowers.

On the drive home Eddie drops his right hand off the wheel. He sets it in the middle of the both of you. You slightly move your left hand a bit closer to his. He brushes your pinkie with his, you blush. You look over at him and he has a sweet smile on his face as he watches the road. You slowly intertwine your fingers with his and he does the same. You smile as you hold hands the whole drive home.

Eddie walks you to your front door.
"I had a lot of fun with you tonight." Eddie says.
"Me too Eddie." you say.
"Have a good night y/n." he smiles.
You pause for a bit, looking into his puppy dog eyes.
He looks down into yours.
"Goodnight Eddie." you say as you hug him and then walk into your house.

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