chapter eight: the lake

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You're awaken by your house phone ringing. You go to answer it.
"Hello?" you say with a sleepy voice.
"Good morning sunshine! Are you busy today?" Eddie says.
"Hey Eddie, no I'm off today, why?" you ask.
"I'm taking Hellfire to the lake today. Would you like to join us? It's just gonna be the kids and I." he says.
"Sure!" you say excitedly.
"Alright I'm on my way then." Eddie says.

You get ready and wait for Eddie outside.
He picks you up with Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Max, and Erica. You sit in the front with Eddie.

At the lake all the kids jump into the lake right away meanwhile you and Eddie sit on the pier and dip your feet in.
"I have something for you." Eddie says.
"What? What is it?" you ask smiling.
He reaches into the backpack he brought and pulls out a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos.
"To make up for the movie cereal I had for you the other day, I got you real snacks." he said smiling.

You thank him and laugh

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You thank him and laugh. "Awe you shouldn't have!" you say jokingly.

Time goes by and you ask Eddie "do you wanna go for a swim now?"
"Let's go!" he says while taking his shirt off, revealing the rest of his tattoos. He then takes his pants off leaving only his black swim trunks.
You take your clothes off too revealing your red swimsuit and you both jump into the water.
"Eddie! Y/n! We're gonna play Marco Polo!" Max says.
"I'm it first!" Mike says. "Our rules are we only have to find three people."
You both join them and Mike closes his eyes and spins while he counts to 20. He then calls out "Marco!" and you all respond "Polo!" He goes to Lucas' direction first. He calls out again, only feet away from Lucas and Lucas tries calling out Polo quieter but it's too late and Mike tags him. Mike calls out again, this time going to Dustin's location. Dustin panics and tries swimming away while calling Polo but Mike chases after him and continues calling out so he won't lose him. He catches up to him and tags Dustin. Only one more person to win. Mike calls out. You all yell "Polo!" and this time Mike goes to the direction of Eddie and you. "Marco!" he calls out.
"Polo!" you hear a slight giggle in Eddie's voice, like he's planning something. "Marco!" Mike gets closer to both of you as you respond. Eddie swims closer to you. "Marco!" Mike yells. Before you respond, Eddie grabs you by the waist and pushes you into Mike's direction and swims away fast. "Polo!" you all yell and Mike tags you.
"You sabotaged me!" You yell at Eddie jokingly.
He laughs so hard he tears up.
"I'll be it next." you say smiling.
"Watch out Eddie. She has it out for you now." Erica says.

You close your eyes and turn and count to 20. Eddie watches you with a focused face, backing up.

You call out the first one, "Marco!" The group answers and the closest person you hear is Max

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You call out the first one, "Marco!" The group answers and the closest person you hear is Max.
You follow the sound of Max's voice and catch up to her quick. You tag her.
"Polo!" This time you hear Mike the loudest. You go in his direction and Mike pushes Dustin into you. You have one more person to tag and although Mike is close, you decide you have to get Eddie back.
"Polo!" you turn in Eddie's direction and start swimming.
"Polo!" you hear Eddie say distressed along with the sound of his swimming.
"Polo!" this time you know you have him. There's no other sounds coming from his direction except for his.
"Marco!" you yell as you hear Eddie's swimming slow down.
"Polo" he's so close that he isn't yelling anymore.
You swim forward and your hands fall on his chest. You open your eyes and you're face to face.

You both pause there for a second before you hear Max yell "y/n won!!" "Gotcha

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You both pause there for a second before you hear Max yell "y/n won!!"
"Gotcha." you say while backing up and taking your hands off his chest.
He smiles and you both swim back to the rest of the group.

You all play a few more rounds and little by little the group gets smaller as the kids get picked up. Once Lucas and Erica leave it's just Eddie and you.

Eddie and you get on the pier; he grabs you a towel and sits next to you with another towel wrapped around his shoulders.
You start talking and getting to know each other's history. You find out about his old buzzcut and the history of Corroded Coffin; how they won their middle school talent show and went on from there. You tell him about your past, along with your drumming journey and how that played out for you.
You even trust each other with past experiences you'd rather forget, like how Eddie ended up living with his uncle. You talk for hours.

Around midnight Eddie drives you home and says goodnight.

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