chapter seventeen: california kids

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*mentions of weed*
You wake up to your phone ringing.
"Uh hey y/n?" Steve says.
"What's up Steve?" you ask.
"Dustin wants me to come to hangout with them today because the Byers are visiting from California. Can you come with me please? I don't want things getting awkward because Nancy and Johnathan are both gonna be there too." Steve says.
"Okay sure let me get dressed and come pick me up."you say.
"Thank you." Steve says.

"So you decided just NOW to tell me that Eddie and you went on a date? What else have I missed? Are you pregnant?" Steve jokes.
"No! Oh my god!" you laugh. "All we did was hold hands Steve. It was sweet!"
"I'm just happy he's treating you well y/n. You deserve it." he says.
"Thank you." you say.

"Alright we're here." Steve says as he parks.
"Remind me again why they decided they wanted to hang out at the pumpkin patch after Halloween?" you joke.
As you walk up with Steve you greet the kids and then Jonathan and Nancy.
"Oh hey y/n I wanted to introduce you to-" Jonathan says.
"Argyle?" you say.
"You two know each other? Jonathan says.
"Oh shit! Yeah man we met a few years back at a concert during summer break." Argyle says. "Good to see you y/n!"
"Yeah!" you say and go in for a hug.

"So why'd you guys choose the pumpkin patch?" you ask.
"Practice." Eleven says.
"Practice?" you say confused.
"My powers... I'm getting them back." El says.
"Oh my god really?" you say excitedly.
"This girl Angela from school kept messing with her. El got so mad that her powers came through and she pushed her in the middle of the school yard. The mind powers kinda freaked her out obviously so we decided to come visit you guys while that dies down." Will says.
"Yeah I mean she is my superhero, I knew she'd get her powers back." Mike says while hugging El.
Will rolls his eyes.

Eleven picks up a pumpkin with her powers. She struggles for a bit. There's targets set up for her to hit. She throws it across the field and hits the bullseye. Everyone cheers.
She does it again for about half an hour and it never gets less impressive.

You attempt to catch up with Argyle even though he's too stoned to keep one coherent thought in his head. Finally he says something that makes sense.
"Hey so where can I get flower over here? I'm almost out of my purple palm tree delight!" he says.

"I know a guy." you smile.

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