chapter thirteen: steve's party

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*mentions of weed and alcohol*
"Happy Halloween!" you say while walking into Steve's house an hour before the party starts.
Robin greets you wearing her Ziggy Stardust costume.
"You look so cool Robin!" you tell her.
"So do you! That Carrie costume was such a good choice!" she responds.
"Alright well what about mine?" Steve says walking in wearing a Danny from Grease costume.
"Oh shit! What happened to the Outsiders costume?" you ask.
"Well after being bullied by Robin about wanting to be Tom Cruise, which I DON'T by the way, I decided to go with a different costume." Steve says.
"It looks a lot cooler Steve AND it does your hair justice." you say.
"Yeah and now all I have to do is find a girl dressed as Sandy and I have someone to flirt with tonight." he says smiling. Robin rolls her eyes.

Time skips to an hour into the party.

You dance with Robin to Madonna in the crowd of people that keeps getting bigger. "Are you having fun?" you have to yell because the music's too loud.
"Yeah!" Robin says smiling. She's dancing so hard you wouldn't guess that she's normally super shy and awkward. That is, until she gets a tap on her shoulder.
"Hey Robin!" Vickie says.
Robin stops dancing and her face gets flushed. "Hey!" she answers her.
"I don't wanna interrupt you guys but do you wanna dance?" Vickie asks Robin.
Robin looks back at you, blushing and asks "do you mind if I go?"
"No not at all! Go have fun!" you say.
"Ok I'll come find you later!" she says as she walks away with Vickie. She's not gonna find you later, she's busy for the rest of the night.
You continue dancing for a while and then stop by the kitchen to eat some snacks. Steve set up a bunch of Halloween themed snacks. Someone dressed in a Jason Voorhees costume comes up behind you and tries scaring you with a candy witch finger.
You laugh and he pulls up his mask to the top of his head and eats it. It's Eddie.
"Hey sick costume! Carrie's another one of my favorites." he says.
"Thank you. And you went with Jason!" you say. Your heart is melted that he chose to go as Jason since your first hangout was watching his movie. Did he do it on purpose to make you smile? Or was it just a coincidence?
"Yeah! I did tell you Friday the 13th is my favorite horror movie! Or I guess Friday the 13th II is now." he says smiling and you can't stop a wide smile coming onto your face. "Hey do you wanna-" Eddie is interrupted.
"Eddie! I need you for a second!" Samantha calls for him.
"Sorry. I'll be back y/n!" Eddie says as he jogs over to her and they go into another room.

You suddenly feel jealousy engulfing you whole and you walk to the bathroom to collect yourself.

Samantha? He never mentioned anything about them being together. But they just went to a room alone at a party. Did they come together? She does give him discounted tattoos. But he talked to her about you! She said it herself! All these thoughts flood your head as you sit on the floor of the bathroom questioning everything. After about fifteen minutes that feel like an hour, you collect yourself and exit the bathroom.

You head over to the spiked punch meant to look like blood and pour yourself a cup.

"Hey why are you alone? I saw Eddie not too long ago I think he was looking for you." Steve says.
"Yeah I don't think so, I think he brought Samantha with him." you tell Steve.
"The tattoo artist? Oh y/n I'm sorry. Maybe it's a misunderstanding! Did you see them hold hands or something?" Steve says.
"I saw them go into a room together. Alone. And Samantha said she needed him." you tell him.
"Shit." Steve says. "Wait, what room?"
You point over to it.
"y/n that's not an empty room. It has a ton of people in it dancing. I doubt they went alone." Steve says. "Go look for yourself!"
You take Steve's advice and walk over trying to not make it noticeable. As soon as you look in, Eddie makes eye contact with you. So much for subtlety.
"y/n! Come here!" he calls to you and you walk over and sit next to him on the couch. Samantha is sitting next to him on his other side. It smells like weed in here.
"Oh hey y/n! How's the tat healing?" Samantha asks.
"It's healed!" you say showing her your arm.
"Can I feel it?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah go ahead." you answer.
He runs his fingers along your arm feeling your tattoo and all you can picture is that same feeling of his touch on your chin in your dream. You blush and look down so he doesn't notice.
"Newly healed tattoos always have that very slight bumpy feeling. It's so cool." Eddie says smiling at you. You smile back.
"Hey so I didn't know you guys were a thing!" you blurt out. You then think to yourself "why did I say that?"
Eddie and Samantha look at each other and then look back at you and start laughing.
"I'd be more interested in you than Eddie y/n. I'm gay." Samantha says.
You feel the weight of the jealousy roll off your shoulders.
"Yeah and we did not come here together. I came back here to make a sale. I told you why she gives me tattoo discounts didn't I?" Eddie says.
How did you forget that? You feel silly and back at ease and respond "Oh that's right! I completely forgot, sorry for assuming." you can't stop smiling.
"It's okay! Actually right before Samantha rudely interrupted me," he says sarcastically giving a glance over to her "I was about to ask you if you wanted to dance?" Eddie says to you smiling.
"Okay!" you smile.
"Yeah?" he says.
"Yeah let's go!" you respond.
You walk over to the crowd in the living room together as Girls on Film by Duran Duran starts playing. His hair bounces a little bit while he dances and he looks so cute.
You blush so many times while dancing with him that you have to take glances around the room so he doesn't notice.
You see Steve dancing with a girl dressed as Sandy and you smile at each other. Steve motions you to look at Robin and she's dancing with Vickie. She seems fully comfortable with her and you're happy for her.
"Wanna get a drink?!" Eddie says to you.
"Sure!" you say back.
He holds your wrist so he doesn't lose you in the crowd on the way over to the kitchen. He pours you a cup and hands it to you.
"Do you mind if I just have a sip of yours? I'm driving home tonight so I'm trying to not overdo it." Eddie says.
"Yeah here go ahead!" you say while handing him your cup.
He takes a sip and you watch his neck move as he swallows, it gives you butterflies. You head back to the living room with Eddie and you continue dancing.

After a few hours and a few more drinks, you feel fuzzy from the alcohol. You're not blackout drunk but you're definitely drunk.
People start leaving the party.
"Ready to go?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah let me get my bag." you say.
"Your bag is on your arm." Eddie says smiling.
"Oh!" you start laughing.
"I'll drive you home." Eddie says.
He walks you to his van with his hand around your waist keeping you balanced. He sits you down in the passenger seat and buckles up your seatbelt for you and shuts the door.
Once you're home you're passed out in Eddie's van so he looks for your house keys in your purse and carries you on his shoulder. He walks you up to your room and lays you on your bed. He takes your shoes off and covers you with a blanket. There's a bag of makeup wipes on your nightstand and he uses one to wipe the fake blood off your face and then throws it in your trash bin. He writes you a note and leaves your purse in your room, then locks your front door and drives home.

"Hey y/n I drove you home and you fell asleep so I brought you inside. Hope I see you soon. :) - Eddie"

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