chapter eighteen: argyle's dealer's girlfriend

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"Sickk" Argyle responds. "Where?"
"Actually..." you look around "...I think his trailer is right past these woods."
"Cool." he says.
You jog over to Steve.

"Hey! Ready to go?" Steve says.
"Actually I'm gonna walk to Eddie's trailer with Argyle. He wants to uh support his business." you say giggling.
Steve laughs. "Alright well get home safe! If you do end up going home tonight." he winks.
"Ew." you laugh. "Thanks Steve."

You walk Argyle through the woods and just as expected, you see Eddie's trailer.
You knock on the door and Eddie opens it. He's wearing Spiderman pajamas.
"Oh hey! I didn't know you were coming by, sorry I would've cleaned up a bit more." Eddie says.
"It's alright! Sorry I would've called you before but we were in the area." you say. "Oh! This is Argyle. Your new customer." you smile.
"Oh! Come on in I'll be right back." he says. "Thank you y/n." he whispers.

You sit on Eddie's couch while he makes his sale to Argyle.
"Thanks man." Argyle says. "Hey y/n I'm gonna head back to watch that weird girl do more tricks. Later." Argyle says as walking out the door.

"Finally we're alone

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"Finally we're alone." he says smiling.
"I'm sorry if you were busy when I stopped by." you say smiling.
"No worries pretty girl, I missed you." he says.
You blush, "I missed you too pretty boy."
His face lights up at the name.
"Can I get you something to eat or drink?" he asks you.
"I'm alright Eddie thank you though." you say.
"Hey I picked up this movie earlier wanna watch it?" he says while holding up Clue.
"Yeah! I've been meaning to watch that one. I bet I can guess the killer before you can." you tease.
"Alright let's make a bet. Whoever guesses the killer pays for dinner next date." he says.
"Deal." you say as he sets up the movie.

About 15 minutes into the movie and Eddie already locks in his guess. "Okay I'm putting my guess in now. Mrs. White." he says.
"So early? Okay then I'll go with Mrs. Peacock." you say.
You continue watching the movie and Eddie slowly holds your hand.

An hour into the movie and you're still holding hands. You scoot closer to him and he puts his arm around you. Your cheeks turn pink. He looks down at you subtlety and smiles.

The movie ends.
"I fucking knew it!" you say.
"How are you so good at that?!" he says.
You laugh and look up at him. You didn't mean to get so close to him when you looked up. Your faces are inches apart and you stay looking at each other for a bit. His hand comes up to your cheek and he grazes it with his fingertips. His sparkling brown eyes look into yours and glance down to your lips. You get closer.
"Eddie come in!" Dustin says over his walkie talkie.
It startles you both. Eddie angrily walks over to the walkie talkie.
"What Dustin?! What could you possibly want right now?!" he yells.
"Geez sorry was I interrupting your solo D&D game?" Dustin says.

"Geez sorry was I interrupting your solo D&D game?" Dustin says

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"I'm on a date Henderson what do you want?" Eddie says.
You smile.
"A date with who?! Lucas! Eddie's on a date!" Dustin says.
"With who?!" Lucas says.
"With y/n." Eddie says.
"Holy shit! You and y/n are dat-" Dustin says.
"Ok ok! We need your help! Do you still know where that secret entrance to the movie theater is?" Dustin says.
"Are you serious right now? It's through the alley door!" Eddie says.
"I told you Lucas!" Dustin yells.
Eddie changes the channel on the walkie talkie and turns it off. He walks back over to you.
"I'm sorry about that." Eddie says.
"It's okay I find it cute that you kept talking to him." you say smiling. "Also we're on a date?"
"Yeah we're on a date are you kidding? I wouldn't watch a murder mystery with just anyone." he says jokingly.
You laugh.
"Wanna come with me to return the movie on the way to drop you off? I can always go after if you don't want to." he says.
"Getting rid of me already Munson?" you joke.
"No no! Stay as long as you want!" he says flustered.
"I'm just kidding you dork. Let's go!" you smile.
He smiles back and walks you to his van.

Eddie stays in the van while you leave the movie in the drop off slot at Family Video. You wave at Robin and she winks at you teasingly since you came with Eddie. You smile at her and walk back to the van.

Eddie walks you to your front door.
"Have a nice night y/n." he says.
"You too Eddie." you say.
You both stand there for a bit awkwardly until you reach for your doorknob. Eddie starts walking back to his van. Before opening your door you pause.
"Eddie?" you say.
He turns around and walks back to you.
You walk towards him too.
As he gets closer he puts his hands on your waist. You put your hands on the sides of his face and look into his pretty eyes and down to his soft lips. He leans down closer to you. You lean a bit forward; your cheeks are flushed. As both your eyes close, your lips meet slowly and softly. It's perfect. You comb your fingers through his long hair and he pulls you in more with his rings making soft indents on your waist. He kisses you even better than you dreamed. The way your lips collide slowly gets more passionate as he slips a bit of his tongue in. Your stomach is full of butterflies and you feel like you're melting over how hot your face is. With one final kiss he slowly backs up and looks at you. You're left a blushing mess.
"Be my girlfriend." Eddie says.
"I'd love to Eddie." you say.

You go back in for another kiss in the moonlight

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You go back in for another kiss in the moonlight.

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