chapter nine: party planning

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"Steve we are not wearing matching costumes! Especially not the incestuous mess that is Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia!" Robin says to Steve.
"That's the thing! We aren't a couple so it's a perfect costume!" Steve says.
"Steve, the characters are a couple and that's bad enough. Plus Vickie is coming and I really don't want her to think we're dating. I think we're actually getting somewhere." Robin says.
"Fine I guess I'll go with plan B." Steve says while holding up a costume from The Outsiders.
"What is it with you and wanting to be a character Tom Cruise has played?" Robin says laughing.

The three of you are out buying costumes and supplies for the Halloween party Steve is throwing next weekend. You're going with a Carrie costume. Robin decides to go as Ziggy Stardust.

The next stop is Melvad's General Store to pick up Halloween decorations.

After getting a few skeletons and spiderwebs you talk to Robin. "So how's it going with Vickie?" you ask.
"It's good but confusing. I mean I'm almost certain she likes girls but I can never be too sure I mean what if she just sees me as a friend? I'm kinda waiting for her to make the first move just to be safe but at the same time it's killing me, I mean the other night I had this dream where-" Robin is interrupted by Steve who's been listening.
"Woah woah woah hold on, you've been dreaming about her?" Steve says.
"I mean yeah here and there, why?" Robin asks.
"Uh oh Buckler you really got it bad for her! You can like someone all you want but once you start dreaming about them it's done for. That's when you really know you want them to be yours." Steve says.
"I mean yeah I'm pretty sure I want her to be my girlfriend detective Steve." Robin says laughing.

As you head to Steve's car you look across the street and see a bar called The Hideout. That's where Eddie said his band plays on Tuesday nights. You weren't too sure where it was located but now that you know, you think about paying him a visit this coming Tuesday.

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