chapter twenty-two: it's still here

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Steve and you drive to the school after work. Since Will and El are in town, they join Hellfire for the day; making the game take longer than usual.

"Will the Wise!! That was awesome!" Eddie says to Will as they all walk out of the school.
"Oh thanks." Will says smiling.
"Y/n!!" Dustin says. The kids run over to you and start telling you about the game.
"That's so cool!" you say, playing along even though you know pretty much nothing about d&d.
"Oh my god it's y/n!!" Eddie says in a mimicking voice, smiling as he walks over to you.
"Hi!" you say with a smile.
"Hi baby." he grabs your face and kisses you and then lets go. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah." you say smiling.
"Actually y/n we need to talk." Dustin says.
"Are you hitting on my lady, Henderson?" Eddie says smiling.
"What? No! WE need to talk to her, and Steve too." Dustin says with a concerned look on his face.
"Oh. Ok well I'll wait for you in the van hun." Eddie smiles at you before walking to the van.

"What's going on?" Steve asks.
"It's Will." Mike says.
"I can...feel it...again." Will says.

"Feel what?" you ask concerned

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"Feel what?" you ask concerned.
"The monster." El says.
"It's still here. In Hawkins." Will says.
"Are you sure? We closed the gate and killed the mind flayer. What else would there be?" Steve says.
"Whatever it's not the mind flayer. It feels...stronger." Will says.
"I think we should tell Eddie." Dustin says.
"What?! Are you insane we can't get him involved in this! We can't put him in that kind of danger!" you say.
"I don't know y/n I think I'm with Dustin on this one." Lucas says.
"I think I am too." Steve says.
You look at Steve confused.
"Y/n you see how broken Barb's family was when she disappeared. To this day they don't actually know what happened to her. What if...what if we don't make it out of this one? I mean it's only so many times you can kill a blood thirsty monster without getting killed yourself." Steve says.
"...Ok. But the second it gets too dangerous I'm getting him to leave Hawkins. We've killed it without him before; we can do it again. He doesn't need to be the one to fight it." you say.

You look over at Eddie in his van and he smiles at you. You force a smile over to him too.

"Eddie! Come here!" Mike says.

He has no idea what information is about to hit him.

And you're terrified of what it's gonna do to him.

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