chapter seven: the pep rally

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Steve and Robin pick you up in the morning and you start heading over to school. Steve and Robin are bickering in the front seat as always.

 Steve and Robin are bickering in the front seat as always

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Once you get to school you stop their argument. "GUYS! Instead of arguing you SHOULD be asking me about my tattoo." you say smirking.
"Oh shit! I completely forgot let me see!" Steve says.
You hold out your arm to the front seat and Steve and Robin gush over it. "That's so cool y/n!! I hated that little shit." Robin says.
"Thank you!" you say giggling as you get out of the car and start walking inside.

Steve and you wish Robin good luck while you find your seats in the bleachers.

After joking about Tammy Thomson's singing with Steve for a bit, the band is introduced and both of you cheer for Robin. She kills her trumpet solo and does a little dance once her performance is over. Steve and you laugh and cheer for her.

The basketball team walks in and Jason comes up with another bullshit speech to make himself look good

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The basketball team walks in and Jason comes up with another bullshit speech to make himself look good. You roll your eyes and look around the gym bored by his words. You look a few rows down and see Eddie, looking around just as bored as you are. You make eye contact and Eddie smiles at you as if to say hello. You smile back. Eddie makes a sarcastically impressed face referring to Jason's speech and you laugh.

After the pep rally is over, Steve and you run over to Robin to congratulate her on her solo

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After the pep rally is over, Steve and you run over to Robin to congratulate her on her solo. She gushes to you both about her possibly impressing Vickie with it and she sounds completely proud of herself; you're both proud of her too. Steve jokes with her about Vickie and you feel a slight tap on your shoulder and turn around.
"Hey stranger" Eddie says smiling.
"Hey I was gonna go look for you! I wanna show you something." you say.
"What is it?" Eddie asks.
You pull up your arm and show him your tattoo.
"No way! Is that the Mind Flayer? I thought you said you weren't into D&D!" Eddie says.
"Well the characters are cool and I drew this one out myself." you say smiling.
"That's so sick! I love it. You went to Samantha right?" he asks.
"Yeah of course! She did great, I can't thank you enough for her info." you tell Eddie.
"No need to thank me I mean you basically did the hard part for her, that design is so cool." Eddie says.
"Thank you Eddie." you smile.
"Eddie let's go!!" Dustin yells from a distance.
"Sorry I gotta go. I'm the one on taking-Dustin-home duty today. We'll talk soon y/n!" Eddie says while walking away backwards to the exit of the gym.
"Bye Eddie." you say.

Steve and Robin drive you home.

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