chapter thirty: prom

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You have a few hours before prom and it's time for you to start getting ready. As you start doing your hair you hear your doorbell ring.

"Hey baby." Eddie greets you with a kiss.

You decided beforehand that you'd be getting ready together as long as you got to do your dress reveal in that cute way at the end.

Eddie walks into your bathroom with you and he brushes through his hair making it cute as he usually does.
As you get ready you joke around with each other and flirt.

While you do your makeup Eddie sits up on your sink and admires you

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While you do your makeup Eddie sits up on your sink and admires you. He asks questions as you do it, genuinely invested in your makeup choices.

"Oh so if you used the other color it wouldn't compliment your dress as well?" he asks.
"Yeah exactly! See, you're getting the hang of it. You should let me do yours." you say smiling.
"Oh absolutely sweetheart just maybe not tonight." he says smiling.

"Okay! Now go downstairs and put your suit on and I'll do the big 'walk down the staircase' moment when I'm dressed." you say to Eddie.
"Mm but then I won't get to see your pretty body when you get dressed." he pouts jokingly.
"You can see more of that later pretty boy. Go downstairs!" you say.
Eddie blushes and kisses you before grabbing his suit and walking downstairs.

You put your dress and accessories on slowly, making sure you don't mess up your hair or makeup. You look at yourself in the mirror and you're in love with how you look. You smile as you walk towards the staircase and Eddie is standing in his suit at the bottom of the stairs, facing the other way.
"Okay you can turn around now." you say giggling as you walk down the stairs.

Eddie looks at you in awe. He looks completely starstruck by how good you look in your prom dress. He's speechless. As he holds your hand, he spins you to see all of the dress.

"You're so beautiful y/n." he says as he leans in to kiss you softly.
"You're beautiful too Eddie." you say.

Eddie drives the both of you to the school as he showers you in compliments the whole way there.

He opens the car door for you and holds your hand as you walk inside.

"Y/n! You guys look so cute together awee!" Robin says as she runs over to you.
"You look so cute Robin! Where's Vicky?" you say.
"Oh she's just talking to her friends for a bit." she says smiling.
"Awee you and Eddie look so good!" Nancy says as she walks over holding a camera. "Do you mind if I take a picture of you two for the yearbook?"
"Oh my god you nerd! Yearbook AND newspaper editor?" Robin teases Nancy.
"Shut up!" Nancy says giggling as she pushes Robin on the shoulder.
"Hey Robin! Who's this?" Vicky says smiling.
"Oh that's Nancy! She's uh Stev- she's my friend." Robin says.
"Hii you must be Vicky!" Nancy says.
"Yeah!" Vickie says. "Do you wanna go dance?" she asks Robin.
"Uh yeah sure! Bye guys!" Robin says.

Nancy turns back to you two and snaps a picture. Eddie and you look completely in love with each other in the picture.

After a few hours of dancing, eating, prom court being announced, and all the usual prom activities, you sit at your table and rest your achy feet on Eddie's lap as he rubs them for you while you talk to each other.
"Are you tired baby?" he asks you.
"Yeah. Are you?" you ask.
"Yeah. Wanna get out of here?" Eddie asks.
"Let's go home." you say as you get up and hold your heels in your hand and Eddie's hand in the other.

As Eddie drives you both back to your house he holds your hand and you rest your eyes on the way. Whenever there's a stop he looks over at you with his puppy dog eyes and admires how pretty you are.

He's completely, utterly, head over heels, in love with you.

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