chapter four: cereal killer

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Your shift ends and you tell Steve as he and Robin get into his car that you won't need a ride home today since you're gonna hang out with Eddie.
"You sure you don't wanna hear about Steve's sex life again for another twenty minutes?" Robin says sarcastically.
"Hey that is not all I talk about!" Steve says.
"Yeah okay Steve." Robin says.

" Robin says

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"Anyway... Have fun y/n! Call us when you end up getting home. Robin and I will be at my house watching Fast Times." Steve says.
"Okay! Will do." you say as you walk back to Eddie's van.
"Ready to go?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah." you say smiling as you get into his van and put your seatbelt on.

Once you get to his trailer he opens the door for you as you walk in. He shuffles to clean up a few things and apologizes for the mess. You reassure him and tell him it's okay.
You see his VHS player and pop in Friday the 13th II and leave it rewinding as you follow him to his room to get the tattoo information.
"Ok so here's her address and house number. She usually charges around $30 but since I sell her weed she only charges me $15, so just let her know you're a friend of mine and she'll give you the same discount." Eddie says while passing you a card.
"Thank you so much I appreciate it." you tell Eddie.
"Yeah of course! So let's go watch that movie now?" Eddie says.
"Yeah, do you have movie snacks?" you ask.
"Uhh I have cereal?" Eddie says.
"Eating cereal while watching a movie about a SERIAL killer? I guess I should call you a CEREAL killer." You say laughing sarcastically.
"Wow. That was bad." Eddie says laughing. He grabs the box of cereal and walks you to the couch, the movie completely rewinded and ready to watch.

You share the cereal and watch the movie together, laughing at the cheesy parts and discussing Eddie's theories about what's gonna happen in the movie while watching

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You share the cereal and watch the movie together, laughing at the cheesy parts and discussing Eddie's theories about what's gonna happen in the movie while watching.
Once the movie's over you rewind it before pulling it out to return the VHS tape the next time you work.
"So? Was I right? Do you like it more than the first?" You ask him smiling.
"Oh yeah. So much better!" Eddie says with a laugh.
"I told you!" you say.

"So how about that D&D? Wanna learn the right way?" Eddie asks smiling.
"I would except... I'm not a complete nerd." You say teasingly.
"Wow okay I see how it is!" Eddie says playfully back. "Well then how about music? Do you know how to play any instruments?"
"Yeah actually I was in the band's drum-line before I graduated. I can play kit too." You tell Eddie.
"Wait wait wait so you were in band...and I'M the nerd?" Eddie says laughing.
"Shut up!" You say laughing. "What about you? Do you play anything?"
Eddie runs to his room then runs back and has his electric guitar in his hand.
"Allow me to introduce you to my love." he says right before playing the beginning of Master of Puppets by Metallica.
"That's so sick! I love that song!" You say excitedly. "I actually know how to play it on drums!"
"No way really?! I wish I would've continued drumming. I had a kit a few years back but never ended up getting better. We gotta play together sometime!" Eddie says excitedly.
"Yeah definitely!" You respond while looking at the clock. "Eddie do you mind giving me a ride home?"
"No no I don't mind at all. Just direct me where." He says while grabbing his keys off the table.
"Thank you!" you smile while following him to his van.

You arrive at your house.
"So when am I gonna see you again y/n?" Eddie says with a smile.

You grab a napkin and a pen from his glove compartment and start to write your house number down for him

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You grab a napkin and a pen from his glove compartment and start to write your house number down for him. "Here's my number! Let me know when you wanna hang out again." you tell him with a smile.
"I had fun y/n." Eddie says. He writes his number down on another napkin and hands you it.
"I had fun too Eddie. See you soon." you say as you walk to your door.
He says bye and drives home.
You call Steve and Robin to let them know you're home and then go to bed. You fall asleep thinking about your spontaneous hangout with Eddie Munson and how much fun you had, hoping to see him again soon.

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