chapter twenty-six: the plan starts 💌

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*disclaimer again: events are different than season 4, it's not the same plan to fight Vecna from the series. smut warning*
As you hear Kate Bush blaring through Max's headphones, you review the plan.

It's been a week since Chrissy's murder. Max is avoiding Vecna, Eleven has her powers charged up, and Eddie and you are making weapons.
"How do I look?" Eddie asks you while referring to his bandana.

"How do I look?" Eddie asks you while referring to his bandana

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"You look adorable." you say.
"Adorable and ready for bat-tle?" he says mimicking Dustin's joke from earlier.
You laugh.
"Mhm. Hey Eddie can you promise me something?" you say.
"Yeah anything what's up?" he says.
"Promise me you won't do anything stupid out there. We're just gonna distract the bats for a second to buy them some time and then head back through the portal." you say.
"Trust me baby the second those bats get close we're running back through that portal." Eddie says.

Nancy goes over the plan and the groupings. Max, Dustin, Lucas, and Erica are a group. Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan are a group. Mike, Will, and Eleven are a group. Eddie and you are partners; your job is to distract the demobats and then run back through the portal of where Chrissy's body was found. Steve's group is going to burn Vecna's house down while Eleven defeats him with her powers, all while Vecna is distracted by trying to get Max.

Once everyone approves of the plan, you and Eddie make your way to Skull Rock again.

You arrive to the portal while Eddie carries his guitar, his walkie, and his battery operated amp. You're carrying two nail-covered baseball bats and shields.
"...I love you y/n." Eddie says with a concerned look on his face.
"...Oh don't do that." you say.
"Do what?" Eddie says.
"I'll tell you I love you when we get back here." you say with a fake smile as you're terrified.

You go into the portal first since you have the weapons. Eddie goes in after you and there's no demobats to be seen. He plugs in his guitar and sets it aside. You sit and wait for Dustin's signal over the walkie.

"You know...we're gonna have a bit of time before Phase 3..." Eddie says.

"Yeah...?" you say wondering what he's up to.

"Well I was just thinking and you know what would be really badass? If we fooled around in another dimension..." he says with a smile.

You want to be logical and say that right now would be a terrible time for sex, but you have to admit to yourself that you agree; it would be pretty badass

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You want to be logical and say that right now would be a terrible time for sex, but you have to admit to yourself that you agree; it would be pretty badass. Plus with the grip that Eddie has on you, you can't help but blush and smile back.

You wrap your arms around him and start kissing him passionately. He has his hands on your waist and he's pulling you into him as your kissing gets messier. His hand makes his way down your pants and he touches you softly over your underwear. You gasp in pleasure. His kisses slowly get lower. He starts at your jaw and makes his way down to your collarbone, kissing and licking the whole way down. As you ache for more, Eddie pulls his hand out of your pants and he gets down on his knees. He looks up at you with desire as he pulls your pants and underwear down to your ankles.

 He looks up at you with desire as he pulls your pants and underwear down to your ankles

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"Can I taste you pretty girl?" he asks as your cheeks glow pink.

"Yes please Eddie." you say.

He takes your permission and starts circling your clit with his tongue, making you drip down his chin. You begin struggling to keep yourself up over how good it feels and he holds your hand for support. He hits a spot that makes you toss your head back and he notices and speeds up on it. Your legs start to tremble and you already feel yourself getting close. Your moans get more frequent yet they stay quiet because you're not supposed to make too much noise. The ecstasy mixed with adrenaline sends shocks through your body as you cum onto Eddie's tongue. He slows down as you ride your orgasm through and then stops and wipes his chin with his hand.

As you pull your underwear and pants back up you kiss him softly and you both giggle over what just happened and how needy you make each other, even in the most intense moments.

"Begin Phase 3" Dustin says over the walkie.

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