chapter five: palace arcade

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*drug use in this chapter (weed)
It's the middle of the day and you're home watching Jem and eating pizza on the couch.

You hear your phone ring and pick it up without looking at it, assuming it's Steve calling about the date he has later on today

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You hear your phone ring and pick it up without looking at it, assuming it's Steve calling about the date he has later on today.
"Hey" you say picking up.
"Hey y/n" Eddie answers.
"Eddie?" you say startled.
"Don't sound so disappointed." Eddie says jokingly.
"No! Sorry! I just thought it was someone else calling." You say while laughing. "What's up?"
"Well I was about to smoke and I got to thinking, I wonder if y/n would like to join me?" Eddie says.
"Yeah sure! I'll head over right now." You say.
"I'll go pick you up. I know a place we could go." Eddie says.
"Ok see you soon." You say while hanging up.

Eddie picks you up and drives you to the woods behind the school.

"Alright y/n. Here." Eddie says.

"Can you roll one for me?" You ask smiling

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"Can you roll one for me?" You ask smiling.
"Yeah sure." He says while pulling out two rolling papers from his box. He rolls yours first and hands it to you along with a lighter and then rolls his own and takes the lighter back to light his.

With every inhale you feel your brain start to get a bit fuzzier and before you know it you're both high.

Talking feels easy with Eddie. You don't feel nervous at all, in fact it feels like you've known Eddie for a long time. Maybe it was the weed or maybe he just made you feel comfortable.

"Hey do you wanna do something fun?" you ask.
"What do you have in mind?" Eddie asks.

"Do you have quarters?" you ask smiling

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"Do you have quarters?" you ask smiling.

You walk Eddie through the woods and walk into Palace Arcade.

"Wanna play Dig Dug? You know I ended up beating Max's high score." you tell Eddie.
"Is that a challenge y/n? I bet I can beat yours." Eddie says smirking.
"I'd like to see you try." you tell Eddie smiling.

Hours pass and you've played a ton of games. All of which Eddie couldn't beat your score in. Your ribs hurt from laughing so hard and the high was wearing off, but your joy wasn't.

Eddie buys you both snacks from the vending machine and you eat through the munchies you have while walking back through the woods to Eddie's van.

Eddie drives you home and says goodnight, and you can't help but hope you'll hang out again soon as he drives away.

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