chapter twenty-four: one down 💌

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*disclaimer: this story doesn't exactly follow season 4 of stranger things so events are gonna happen a bit differently than they do in the show. smut warning for this chapter.*
You wake up cuddling Eddie in his bed. He opens his eyes and looks at you.
"Good morning." he says.
"Good morning baby." you say.
Eddie looks down and seems startled by something. He reaches down the blanket and shifts something and then gets up and walks towards the bathroom.
"Uh I'm gonna pee really quick." he says nervously as he shuts the door behind him.
It doesn't take you long to realize what just happened. Eddie woke up with a hard-on.
You blush and giggle on the way to the bathroom door.
"Eddie? Everything ok in there?" you say, playing dumb.
"Y-yeah just- I'll be right out." he says.
"Are you sure I can't help you out with your situation?" you say smiling.
There's silence and then footsteps to the door as he opens it slightly.
"How'd you know?" he says.
"You didn't exactly make it subtle Eddie." you say giggling. You slowly get down on your knees. "So can I help you?" you say looking up at him.
"God yes please." Eddie says.

He runs over to the bed and grabs one of his pillows and sets it on the floor so that your knees won't hurt. As he sits at the edge of the bed you kneel onto the pillow and slowly pull down his boxers, his hard cock springs out. You slowly tease him by licking the tip and then you drag spit along the side and start stroking his base with one hand. As you look up at him you slowly take him in your mouth and he tosses his head back.

"Fuck baby." he says as you blush.

As you take him in and out of your mouth, you take what doesn't fit with your hand making him gasp and groan in pleasure. He grips onto your hair softly, pulling it out of your face so he can watch you. Your cheeks are a warm pink as he makes eye contact.
"Baby touch yourself for me." he says through his gasps.
You listen to him and start rubbing your clit in circles. You moan and feel him twitch in your mouth.
After a bit you're a moaning mess and Eddie is fucking your mouth. As you inch closer to orgasm you can taste Eddie's precum in your mouth as his strokes get sloppier. You're right at the edge as you take the hand that was on Eddie's dick and use it to play with his balls, making him tremble.

"Fuck y/n I'm right there can I finish in your mouth pretty girl?" he asks as he pulls himself out of your mouth while stroking himself off.
"Yes." you moan.
He pushes his dick back into your mouth and fucks it until he releases down your throat. You cum at the same time all over your fingers and he pulls himself out of your mouth. You get up and he kisses you.
"Thank you baby." Eddie says.
You both collapse onto Eddie's bed and cuddle for a bit.
"I'm gonna take a quick shower wanna join me?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah." you say.

You both walk to the bathroom and Eddie undresses first and walks into the shower, getting the water ready. You undress and walk in with him. He looks down at your body.
"Wow I'm never gonna get over how gorgeous you are." he says before pulling you in for a kiss. Eddie puts soap in his hands and starts lathering it onto your body.
"Is this ok?" he asks.
"Yes. Can I do you?" you ask.
"Yeah of course." he says while passing you the bottle.
You caress each other with the soap as it foams up all over you. It's sweet. His touch feels gentle as he scrubs his hands up and down your body. As you feel his body his skin is soft and you don't leave one inch of him untouched. You both rinse off the soap and then do shampoo.
"Oh wow am I gonna use the famous Eddie Munson approved shampoo?" you tease.
"Oh yeah. You can finally discover my secret as to why my hair is so perfect." he teases back.
He crouches so that you can reach his scalp and you massage the shampoo in with your fingers. Once you're done he stands up regularly and rinses it off.
He does the same to you and then conditions it. You condition his too.

As the water stops and you both step out you dry yourselves off with towels and go to his room.
He lets you use his Metallica t shirt and a pair of shorts and he gets dressed too.

The phone rings.
"Can you get it sweetheart?" Eddie says.
"Yeah!" you say walking over to his phone.

"Hello?" you say.
"Y/n? Turn on the news now." Dustin says as Eddie walks in.
"What's going on?" Eddie says.
"Dustin says to turn on the news." you say.
Eddie turns on the TV and the headline hits.

"Hawkins High student Chrissy Cunningham found dead near Skull Rock. Foul-play is suspected."

"This isn't just a murder." Dustin says sending chills of fear down your spine. Eddie looks over at you and he can tell there's something the news isn't saying.

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