chapter twenty: needy 💌

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*smut warning*
You sit on Eddie's lap facing him and kiss him slowly. You're in your underwear and he's in his. You feel his cold rings slide up your back as he unclasps your bra and tosses it to the side. He repositions you to lay on his bed and he climbs on top of you. His kisses stray from your lips and move their way down to your chin, then your neck. Your breathing gets heavier as he slides his fingers along the band of your underwear. He kisses and licks down your neck and collarbones and you lightly squirm. He leaves marks on your collarbones and then leaves a trail of kisses all the way down to your lower stomach.
"Can I take these off pretty girl?" Eddie asks.
"Yes please." you say.
He slides your panties down and you lift yourself up a bit to help him.

You wake up.
It's 1am. You're left blushing and achy from your dream. You try to fall back to sleep but at this point you're wide awake, wanting more. You look over at your phone and smile.
The phone rings.
"Hello?" Eddie says with a sleepy voice.
"Hey baby, sorry to call you so late." you say.
"It's ok honey, what's up? Is everything ok?" Eddie asks.
"Mm well it's just that...I had this dream...of us and uh...Eddie?" you say.
"Yeah?" he says.
"I want you." you say.
"Baby I'm on my way." Eddie says with a slight giggle. You're left smiling.

The second you open the door for him Eddie grabs you by the waist and starts kissing you passionately, slamming the door behind him. You walk him to your room. He tugs slightly at the bottom of your shirt. "Can I?" he asks. "Mhm." you say lifting your arms to help him. He takes your shirt off and then takes his off while you take your pants off. You take your bra off and set it aside. He looks at you in awe.

"You're gorgeous baby

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"You're gorgeous baby." he says.
He takes his pants off and you lay in your bed. He gets on top of you and kisses your neck softly leaving shivers down your spine.
"So tell me about this dream of yours honey." Eddie says.
"It was just like this. Then you left a trail of kisses down to my stomach...and took off my panties." you say.
He takes breaks between the kisses to ask, "and then what happened?"
"I woke up needy for more." you say.
"Pretty girl do you want me to finish that dream for you and have it come true?" he asks smiling.
"Yes please baby." you say.

He kisses you down to your boobs, stopping to lick your nipples as you gasp softly. He swirls his tongue around one while softly pinching the other between his fingers, then switches. With your legs wrapped around him you play with his hair. He sucks a bruise on your boob and then kisses down to your stomach. It feels familiar except this time you're begging it's not a dream.
"Can I take these off and taste you princess?" Eddie asks.
"Yes please." you say.
He slides them off gently and spreads your legs admiring the view.
"Fuck you're so pretty." he says smiling.
"Thank you hon-" you're cut off with a gasp as Eddie gently laps his tongue up and down your sweet spot, giving extra attention to your clit.
"Fuck Eddie." you whisper softly in between breaths.
He circles your clit and adds a bit of speed; you moan. He stops for a bit and looks at you, softly wiping off what you dripped onto his chin. He takes a ring off and has you put his finger in your mouth for a bit before repositioning it down to your entrance. He teases you softly before sliding it in and you moan in pleasure. He continues eating you out while doing it. The way he tastes and touches you brings you closer and closer to the edge. He adds a finger and you start pulsing around them, each motion more slippery than the last. Right as you're about to cum he slides out of you and stops.

"Can I fuck you sweetheart?" he asks.
"Yes, please?" you say.
His hard dick springs out of his boxers as he pulls it out and you blush at how nicely shaped it is. He quickly gets a condom out of the pocket of his jeans and rips the wrapper with his teeth before sliding it on.
"Ready for me baby?" he says positioning himself at your entrance and teasing you with the tip.
"Mhm." you say.
"I need words babygirl." he says with a smirk.

" he says with a smirk

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"Please fuck me Eddie." you say impatiently.
That's all it takes for him to slide into you slowly. Every slight movement you make while he's inside you makes you twitch in pleasure. You grip onto his back as he slowly slides in and out of you, getting you used to him.
"You feel amazing y/n." he whispers in between breaths.
"You do too Eddie." you moan.
He slowly picks up the pace and the room fills with sounds of moaning and groaning coming from both of you. Eddie moves his hand to the bottom of your neck.
"Is this ok?" he asks.
"Yes." you say.
He takes your permission and wraps your neck with his hand, his cold rings making you shiver. He moves his hand back down to your clit to rub it while he fucks you faster.
"You take me so well baby." he says.
"Eddie I'm gonna..." you pant leaving scratches down his back as you start pulsing again.
"Cum for me baby." he says.
You moan louder.
"I know baby you're almost there." he says while speeding up on your clit. Your back arches and your legs start to shake as you have your sweet release on Eddie's dick. After you cum, he fucks you for a little longer until his strokes become sloppier and you feel his warmth fill up the condom inside you as he finishes too.

He slowly slides out of you and tosses the condom in your trash bin before collapsing next to you and holding you in his arms, giving you a forehead kiss.
"Fuck." you say giggling. He laughs too and plays with your hair.

"Goodnight pretty girl."
"Goodnight pretty boy."

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