chapter ten: the hideout

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It's Tuesday night and you're on your way to The Hideout to watch Eddie perform.

You join the crowd of drunks that Eddie told you about as you hear "please welcome Corroded Coffin!"

You cheer as Eddie meets your eyes. Surprised that you're here, he smiles at you.

They start playing their first song of the night, Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath

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They start playing their first song of the night, Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath. Eddie plays his electric guitar and you watch as his rings slide against the neck of it, not messing up the sound at all. He's focused on the music but takes a few breaks to look at you.

"This next song I wanna dedicate to y/n!" Eddie says while pointing to you. He starts playing Master of Puppets by Metallica and you cheer and smile.

After about an hour of playing, the band ends the show and the audience leaves. Eddie and his friends pack up their equipment but Eddie tells them to leave the drum kit and his guitar.

Eddie's friends leave and you walk up on stage with him. He does a little run towards you and hugs you to thank you for coming. It wasn't until he hugged you that you notice he smells like violet petals and pine. He backs up from the hug and gestures to the drum kit.
"Do you wanna play with me for a bit?" he asks smiling.
"Yeah!" you respond and walk over to the kit.
"Alright so give me a beat to work with and I'll join in." he tells you. He holds his guitar pick with his teeth as he adjusts his guitar and then grabs the pick and looks over at you to let you know he's ready.
You start playing a quick metal beat and Eddie watches you focusing on the beat so that he knows when to come in.

You start playing a quick metal beat and Eddie watches you focusing on the beat so that he knows when to come in

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You cue him in and he starts playing. Although it's only drums and guitar you sound really good together. You keep playing and after a few guitar solos and drum solos you end the song.

Eddie and you gush over how cool it sounded and you help him load the kit into his van. You say goodnight and give him a hug before walking to your car and driving home.

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